Stress Less: Common Triggers And Strategies To Try Today

Stress is part and parcel of life, but sometimes, it can get on top of us. While it’s possible to cope with a bad day at the office from time to time, prolonged or severe bouts of stress can take their toll on your physical and mental health. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most common causes of stress and offer some tips to help you stress less.

Common triggers and strategies to lower stress levels

There are myriad reasons why people feel stressed, but some triggers are more common than others. 

Work-related stress is becoming increasingly prevalent, as people work longer hours and have less time to relax, unwind and decompress. If you feel like you’re constantly swimming against the tide, or you’ve got too much to do, there are steps you can take. Talk to your boss about your workload, take a bit of time off if you have left available, and try and manage your time more effectively. Learning to say no is hugely beneficial if you’re juggling too many balls and trying to please everyone. If you’re already working overtime, and your to-do list is growing, don’t feel that you have to take more work on. Nobody is superhuman, and we all have limits. If you feel stressed during the working day, taking a short break to stretch your legs in the open air, meditate or chill out with a cup of coffee can make all the difference. It’s also vital to make sure you rest when you get home and allow yourself time to recover and enjoy some downtime. Exercise is an incredibly effective natural stress-buster, so try and make time for a daily workout. 

Money worries are another common source of stress and anxiety. Over 70% of US adults have money troubles, and this figure is likely to increase in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis. If you’re struggling with debt, or you’re finding it increasingly tough to make ends meet, there is help out there. Use the Internet to access information from reputable sources and visit the Debt to Success System Four US Constitutions page to learn more about your rights if you are trying to pay back debts. The trouble with money issues is that they can spiral out of control very easily. It’s best to reach out and seek advice as early as possible to prevent the situation from getting worse and gain peace of mind. 

Relationships can also have a negative impact on mental wellbeing. While positive relationships make you feel happy and uplifted, the ties you have with some people may have the opposite effect. Surround yourself with people who make you feel content and confident and loosen bonds with those who put you down or make you feel worthless or unhappy. We often lose friends as we get older, but this isn’t always a bad thing. It’s better to have a tight circle of close friends than a bigger group of acquaintances. 

Stress affects all of us at some point in our lives, but sometimes, it can take over and put our health and wellbeing at risk. If you’re feeling stressed, reach out and ask for help or advice, surround yourself with positive people, exercise, and take some time out.  

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