How Fitness Goals Can Improve Your Wellbeing


Sometimes, getting into shape can seem overwhelming, even if you're not entirely happy with the way you look and feel. 

This is common for a lot of people. It can be difficult to motivate ourselves to go for a run or attend a class when there are other, 'easier' things to do.

The trouble is that our easy habits are why we don't look and feel the way we want to. Setting some achievable fitness goals is an excellent way out of this rut – Here's why   

Fitness goals focus your mind and give you something to strive for 

Deciding to get into shape is one thing, but unless you have fitness goals, you may not focus on maintaining your regime for very long.

Why is this?

For one thing, it's easy to lose sight of what you're trying to achieve and fall back into old habits. Old habits can be hard to break, which is why your fitness goals are so important.

It's a good idea to make them achievable and straightforward at first.  

Having a fitness goal is the best way to get in shape 

If you want to improve your body's appearance, the first thing you need to do is change your mindset.

Your body is a reflection of your mind, so if you're not happy with it, you need to change your lifestyle and the way you think.

Luckily, this is easier than it sounds, and fitness goals can help. 

Choosing an achievable fitness goal for yourself that will give you focus and quickly change your habitual behavior. A strength training app can help. 

Fitness goals help you to escape the symptoms of anxiety and depression

It's well known that exercise is an excellent cure for anxiety and depression. Moving the body and increasing the heart-rate energizes us and releases endorphins. 

The trouble is, it can be challenging to motivate yourself when you're feeling down. 

That's where fitness goals can help. If you commit your mind to achieve an objective, it can help to reel you out of an unmotivated state of mind – even if it is just for a short walk.  

If you have fitness goals, your lifestyle will change for the better

Whatever stage of self-improvement you are at, your lifestyle needs to be continually monitored and revised.

This is true of elite athletes and everyday people. 

Knowing your fitness goals, and internally committing to them will mean that you make better lifestyle choices day-to-day. 

You might choose to cook something healthy instead of buying a takeaway, for instance. Or, decide to go running instead of watching a mediocre TV show. 

They Can Help You Find New Passions In Life

As you search for new things to do in life and create goals around them, you might end up exploring ideas that perhaps you never would’ve fathomed if you hadn’t bothered challenging yourself. Idling and dabbling in certain areas make you stay in a comfort zone, and you never really branch out. Fitness goals could lead you to things like yoga workshops and retreats or competing in genuine tournaments later on in life. There are plenty of passions out there for you to pursue, and creating goals can accelerate this.

Achievable fitness goals give you a sense of accomplishment

When making your fitness goals, you must make them achievable. If you're too ambitious, it might result in disappointment or injury.

Begin with a straightforward fitness goal, like walking around the park once a day or doing fifteen minutes of yoga. The most important thing is to commit to your goal for a while – so you can get into a positive habit and train your mind. 

As your fitness level improves, you can change your goals to suit your new ambitions. If you keep a journal, it can be motivating to look back and see your progress.

 For more wellness and mindset tips follow me on IG @NadiaMurdock

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