Posts in Fitness Lifestyle
Cardio workouts worth trying if you are not a runner

Some people love running, and by that I mean they love the feeling of an open road, fresh air and calorie burn. It's a great activity for keeping you physically and mentally fit. But let's face it, not everyone likes to run. Some people may have injuries that prevent them from going for a jog, others don't feel like leaving the comfort of their homes, and some people simply don't like to run. Keep reading to discover some alternative ways to get your cardio in if you aren’t a runner.

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Wellchemist Boutique offers Clean Beauty Options in a Pinch!

As a Wellchemist Ambassador I have had the opportunity to discover a number of new products that align with my personal preferences when it comes to selecting items for a healthy lifestyle inside and out. Learn more about my third review for this month!

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