Workout Regime Getting Tired? Can You Find A New Way To Get Fit?

Contributing post

If you’re a bit of a fitness nut, as a lot of people are these days, there’s a good chance you’re starting to wear out of your old regimes. Those weights you lift aren’t as effective on your muscles anymore. Those medicine balls aren’t quite sculpting your abs out as nicely any more. And most of all, you’re just not working up a sweat in your running shoes anymore!

Don’t worry, we all reach a point like this. Workout routines aren’t going to be effective forever, no matter how much or little you do them; don’t beat yourself up for needing to find something new to do! It’s a lot simpler to move on than you think, and if you’re in need of a helping hand to decide, here are a few ideas to start with.


Try a Higher Intensity

Something with higher intensity, in general, is going to be good for your body. It’ll help your heart to start racing again, and for you to break out in a sweat as you go about your workout. Of course, trying to break your own little records with your old workout routine could be a strong start for you here. You could try to complete your rep cycle a bit faster than usual, or add a few more steps in to make sure you go for longer; this could act as a good warmup for switching to something completely new to really get the benefit! 

Try Cycling

Cycling is a great all-round sport. If you’re someone who likes to stay on your feet during a workout, why not switch to a more seated position? You’ll still be moving and using your body, and better yet, in a way you’ve never done before! Your body will definitely love and embrace the new challenge. 

Cycling is great for the heart, and it doesn’t strain your muscles as much as other forms of exercise would be likely to. And if you’re looking to work on your stamina training and your core strength, getting on a bike and pedaling for a couple of miles is a great form of exercise. 

If it’s been a while since you’ve ridden a bike, be sure to pick up new gear from a site like; it’s better to shop with a specialist when you’re just getting back into the swing of things. This helps to ensure you’re being totally safe about your new workout choices. 

Try Lifting Something Heavier

Lift training is great for making you look and feel stronger, and if you’ve never tried before, this is a great form of new exercise! Of course, if you’re a big lifter, it might be time to move onto heavier and harder weights. Maybe work on your deadlifting abilities whilst you’re at it? Those shoulders of yours might need a good pump or two, and this is the way forward! 

If your workout regime is far less effective than before, let’s change it!

For more fitness inspiration and barre workouts visit Nadia Murdock Fit on Instagram @NadiaMurdock and the NMFIT Blog!