Tips for reaching your wellness goals

When you start working out, you should try to have a goal in mind. It might be reaching a certain weight, being able to improve your stamina, or becoming faster. It might be all of these things. Having a goal gives you something to work towards and ensures that you are still be motivated to go for it even when you really not feeling it. 

Photo by Li Sun from Pexels

Photo by Li Sun from Pexels

Unfortunately, as much as having these goals can be motivational, the goals themselves can also make working out more difficult. That’s because, when you are struggling to reach them, you can easily lose that all-important motivation and perhaps start speaking to yourself in a negative way. With this in mind, here are some helpful tips about what to do if you are struggling to reach your fitness goals to help you keep going. 

Reassess Your Goals

So you have a weight loss target to hit, or you need to lift a specific number of weights, or you’ve told yourself that you have to be able to do this many squats in that amount of time. That’s great, as long as those goals are actually realistic and attainable. If they’re not, this might explain why it’s so hard to reach them. 

In essence, if you make your goals too hard to achieve at your current fitness level, or you’re trying to do too much in a short period of time, you are setting yourself up for failure. Once that happens, your motivation will be gone. The best thing to do is to break each goal down into more easily reachable smaller goals. As you build up to each one, you’ll be getting closer to your main goal without getting disheartened. 

Check the foods you are consuming

Getting fit and healthy isn’t just about your exercise routine; how you fuel your body plays a significant role too. If you’re working hard at working out and then you grab some takeout or eat processed food or snack on items that are high in fat and calories without any nutrients, you’ll undo the good work you did, and you won’t get anywhere. 

 When you’re trying to lose weight, you need to burn off more calories than you’re taking in, and you also need to eat healthy food. It’s a simple premise but one that should work all the time. If you can add a warm energy drink to your daily routine, you won’t be so tempted to skip the gym, and that will be helpful too. 

Find A Workout Partner

When you’re working out alone and have no one but yourself to be accountable to. This can mean that you do less work because you tell yourself it’s okay, and there’s no one to push you on and keep you going. When you have a workout partner, you have to be accountable to someone else, and if you’re slowing down or thinking of skipping a run or gym class it will be much harder because you won’t want to let your friend down. 

Although you might be working hard by yourself, you’ll work even harder when you have someone there with you, especially if you turn it into a friendly competition.