Foods to Help Fight Flu Season

The sniffles season is officially here which can put a real damper on your workout routine.  Try adding the following foods to your diet as a way to help avoid getting you sick!  Immunity boosting foods like fruits and vegetables are rich in Vitamin A, C, E and zinc.  Below are a few of my suggestions, have these foods handy during flu season so you can feel your best this winter!

Fresh Clementines: Vitamin C doesn't necessarily prevent a cold but it can deter how long you will be sick for. Clementines are a powerful source of vitamin C with just 2 a day you can get your recommended daily intake. 

Ginger Tea: Feeling congested?  Ginger tea can relieve congestion and soothe sore throats! I like to use raw ginger from the farmers market for a stronger potency but tea bags work too.  If you are feeling under the weather swap your morning java for a nice cup of ginger tea. 

Garlic: You can add this to your favorite dish or your green juice.  Garlic contains allicin a sulfuric compound that provides an excellent source of antioxidants when it decomposes. 

Fennel: Fennel can nix pesky coughs and clear chest congestion.  It can be consumed raw, roasted or even in a tea form brewed from fennel seeds. 

Blueberries: Perfect for on the go and can pretty much be added to just about every meal including your favorite smoothie! Blueberries are a powerful source containing high levels of anthocyanins the most potent antioxidant.



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