New Discoveries with Jawbone UP24

It's been about a month since I have partnered up with Jawbone UP24 and the learning never seems to stop!  In my first posting I shared what my first week was like with the Jawbone, that included measuring my activity and discovering my sleep patterns.  As I continued to familiarize myself with the Jawbone I builded my team by adding friends that have also purchased the UP24 or recently received one as a gift. With the inclusion of team members I was inspired to motivate others with comments and words of advice as they did the same. 

My Jawbone matches my NMFIT colors perfectly! 

My Jawbone matches my NMFIT colors perfectly! 

Another thing I loved was seeing the difference in steps taken from day to day.  For example when I took Zumba class vs. Kickboxing I could see a huge difference in steps even though both classes are a great workout.  I had set a goal for myself to achieve a certain amount of steps a day which got me moving more mid-day and breaking a way from the desk in the afternoons.  On one particular day I was challenged by the UP app to reach 12,500 steps and fell short by a mere 274 steps.  I was determined right to the bitter end to reach that goal and found myself marching in place until the cut off at 12 midnight!  

I enjoyed the daily tips that Jawbone shared ranging from the health benefits of chia seeds to how to get more rest in the evening.  I often re-shared these tips via social media which was well received by a few of my followers on Twitter.  I also discovered recipe ideas from the app and my fellow teammates.  Seeing what my friends were logging food wise gave me ideas on how to make a few of my meals more exciting.  

If you are thinking about investing in the band you can get a feel for it by using the UP app to log your daily activities, sleep and meals even if you don't have a band just yet!  With the holidays just around the corner forming healthy habits now is a great way to avoid the temptation that is soon to come. 

To learn more visit the Jawbone UP24 website by clicking here:


Training minds, changing bodies!

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