Common Injuries When Exercising Don't Let It Hijack Your Mindset

Although exercise is great for your body, mind, and mood, it is possible for you to gain an injury when doing it. Whether you choose to exercise by using a home gym, going to a fitness center, playing a sport, or simply getting back to nature, you need to be careful to avoid getting hurt.

Some injuries can be avoided by taking time to get used to the exercise, rather than attempting anything too strenuous, to begin with, while, sadly, other injuries may not be as easily avoided. 

A little common sense, as well as personal protection, can go a long way when partaking in different forms of exercise. Most importantly remember that no matter what happens trying to keep a positive mind frame around your circumstances is a huge game-changer.

Machine Related Injury

While a few little scrapes may be part and parcel of your chosen manner of exercise, this isn’t always the case. Faulty gym equipment that has not been taped off by gym staff can result in injury, of which cuts and scrapes are the minimum you’d hope to get away with. If this happens, it can not only delay your fitness regime but also cause extensive problems – speak to a Los Angeles based personal injury lawyer for any queries you may have if you are injured due to faulty equipment. 

If something doesn’t look right on a machine, it is best that you do not use it, and report your concern to a member of staff immediately. Likewise, if you don’t know how to use a machine, you should wait until you can be inducted into it properly.


For some more physical sports, such as American football, soccer, or even wrestling, a concussion can always be a risk. If this occurs, it is best to err on the side of caution and speak to a medical professional. Alongside a headache, you may also feel, or be, sick, as well as feel dizzy or weak. Even if you have already seen a doctor, you should seek further medical help should your symptoms get worse, and avoid exercising until you have been medically cleared to do so.

Twisted Ankles

Those that enjoy jogging may be at a higher level of risk of spraining or twisting their ankles. This can result in pain that ranges from mildly annoying to fairly severe, depending on the sprain and the individual. If this occurs, the steps to take are to rest it until it is healed and use ice, compression, and elevation to help alleviate pain and swelling. 

For more severe sprains, you may need the support of a specialist who will be able to help you strengthen your ankles and calves to try and reduce the likelihood of repeat sprains occurring. Healing takes time and it’s important to remember to be patient with yourself.

Even though there are risks when you exercise, that should not be enough to put you off. Exercising is proven to help keep weight down, as well as to improve your overall health. It simply needs to be undertaken with a bit more caution.