August 15th is National Relaxation Day

Today is National Relaxation Day! What are you doing to take it easy? Being that it is a Saturday the day most people use to get things done around the house or run errands finding time to relax might be a challenge.   Try utilizing the tips below today and everyday!

1. Find time to go outside, it's as simple as that!  The fresh air and vitamin D from the sun can be one of the easiest ways to relax the mind and body. 

2. Take a deep breath, remember to breathe deeply. Smelling essential oils throughout the day like sage, chamomile, neroli and sandalwood is a great way to relax. 

3. Take one thing at time.  Not everything has to be done at once!

4. Spend time with loved ones, don't put it off!  Have a friends over and make it a Netflix kind of night. 

5. This might be my favorite tip, get some EXERCISE!  Whether it is yoga, spin class or cross training finding time for fitness can ease depression and anxiety. 


Training minds, changing bodies!

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