Natural Beauty Pick Me-Up with SHRAY

Keeping a fit and healthy lifestyle does not end at the gym, it's about filling all aspects of your life with healthy choices.  Did you know that your skin can suffer from a slowed down metabolism?  No?  Neither did I!  Alyson Pidich, MD, Internist and Cosmetic Specialist Co-founder SHRAY shares a few benefits of their facial masks and how it's important to start taking for your skin from an early age. 

NMFIT: Most people are concerned with the metabolism of their bodies but don't realize that a slowed down metabolism can hinder the skin too! Can you explain how a slowed down metabolism may have a negative effect on the skin? Are there ways this can be prevented?

SHRAY: A person’s Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR) is slowed by multiple factors like poor diet, illness, stress, and hormones. Around 30 years old, BMR can begin to slow, with a larger decrease around 40 years old. When a BMR slows, the proper amount of nutrients are not delivered to the skin so it cannot repair and regenerate properly. The link between your internal health and skin is a strong one. The skin is the largest organ on the body and very active as it constantly sheds and renews itself, thus it’s one of the most susceptible organs to a slowed BMR. It also cannot clear the oxidants and toxins that have built up, leaving your skin dry, dull, sagging and wrinkled. The best and easiest way to support your BMR and your skin is to drink plenty of water and to exercise to improve whole body circulation. Your body is majorly water and needs proper hydration to quench all of your cells, especially your vast and busy skin cells. It is important to ask your health care provider to help you calculate the specific amount of water that your body needs to function at its optimum level, because it can be different in everyone.

NMFIT: How does SHRAY masks help with the aging process and/or a slowed down metabolism?

SHRAY: It’s a common misconception that skin must be peeled, chemically treated, and roughly scrubbed to reverse the aging process. A better way to naturally optimize the skin’s own metabolism is directly hydrating it. In general, lotions and creams are not designed to add water back into your skin, instead they create a thick barrier on the surface. SHRAY masks drive water and nutrients back into the skin, helping to increase blood flow, plump the skin, and flush toxins.

NMFIT:  Are there ways you can speed up the skins metabolism?

SHRAY: Hydration is the most important to optimize skins metabolism, whether it’s drinking plenty of water or using a hydrating mask. Other ways to help improve it is to gently massage the skin which helps increase blood flow to deliver nutrients and remove toxins. And by using topical antioxidants to help counteract the damages of environment like the sun. And of course, always wear sunscreen, because damaged skin cannot regenerate and repair itself well.

NMFIT: Out of all your masks which comes highly recommended if someone hasn't always taken good care of their skin at a younger age?

SHRAY: All of our masks are design to hydrate skin, however Go-Getter Goddess is an anti-aging mask. It is important to us at SHRAY that we choose our ingredients based in scientific research. We use a Hyaluronic Acid base which is made naturally by skin to hold in moisture. The major ingredients include Rose Oil which has shown to repair and reconstruct damaged DNA to enhance skin cell regeneration, Acerola extract which comes from a tropical plant that has the very high amount of natural vitamin C to boost collagen formation, and Licorice Root which is a natural anti- inflammatory agent to reduce redness and sooth dry, aging skin. After using the mask for 10 minutes, the face will immediately look bright, refreshed, and supple with less wrinkles, and over time will continue to improve in elasticity and wrinkle reduction. And don’t forget, there’s no need to wash your face after removing the mask. It dries as a lotion and make-up primer, so you will continue to receive its benefits.

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