5 Simple Exercises To Start Your Day

Regardless of your age, sex, or physical ability, daily exercise is good for your physical and mental wellbeing. Weight control, combating health conditions, boosting energy, and sex drive are just a few of the numerous benefits of regular exercise. Despite these benefits, there have been several reasons why people fail to engage in this activity, from busy work schedules to some physical ability issues. Well, there is no excuse for not maintaining good health and an improved lifestyle. This is why we put together these seven simple yet effective home workout exercises to try to keep you in top shape with less time, no equipment, but more rewarding benefits. 



Lunges challenge your balance while strengthening your glutes and legs and hence promote functional movement. When done properly, lunges build a stable and strong core, improving your balance and posture while dealing with any lower back pains. 

How to perform this exercise

  • First, stand upright.

  • Then, position your right leg forward in a 90-degree angle and your left knee pointing to the ground.

  • Whiles on the right leg, lift yourself back to your original position. Repeat the same activity with your left leg, and that's one repetition.

Do ten repetitions for three sets.


Squats build your core and lower back strength and also increase flexibility in the hips. This exercise burns a lot of calories in your body by engaging its largest muscles. Your hip flexors, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves are responsible for almost all your bodily movement in your lower body; therefore, it is necessary to keep them in shape by regular exercising.

How to perform this exercise 

  • Stand with your feet slightly apart.

  • Gently lower your body with your toes pointing slightly outwards while keeping you back straight.

  • Make sure your knees don't move outwards and bring your body to thigh position. Hold for one second and stretch your legs while coming back to the beginning position.

Complete three sets of 20 reps



Push-ups remain one of the commonest yet effective workout exercises that engage several muscles in your body when performing. With a proper form, it is beneficial for building strength in your upper body, such as your chest and arms, while burning calories in your abdominal muscles. It is also fast and can be performed everywhere

How to perform push-ups correctly

  • Lie down with your stomach and chest on the floor. Keeping your legs straight behind you, let your palm be level with your chest while bending your arms to create a 45-degree angle

  • Breathe out while pushing yourself up from the ground

  • Pause for a second with your back still straight and lower yourself to the beginning position

Complete at least three sets

Side planks

Core-specific moves are considered the foundation of a solid body. Focus on the association between the brain and the as well as controlled developments to ensure you're adequately finishing this move. It improves balance and strengthens your arms, shoulders, and wrists.

How to perform Side Planks

  • Lie on your side with your knees twisted, and prop your chest area up on your elbow.

  • Lift your hips off the ground, and pause for 5 seconds

  • Do this five times and switch to your other side to repeat the same steps.


Sit-ups are generally known to strengthen your abdominal muscles, but they may be a bit too challenging and intolerable for beginners and people with lower back problems. Such individuals should stick with a simple crunch, which requires just your upper back and shoulders off the ground.  

How to perform Sit-ups

  • Begin by lying on your back

  • Bend your knee with your feet placed on the floor firmly

  • Fixed your hands together behind your head, and lift the upper part of your body to meet your knees

  • Slowly let yourself down back to the starting position, and that is one repetition

You can complete 15 reps of three sets as a beginner and build up as you go along.

Glute bridge

This exercise works on your glutes, lower back, and hamstrings. It has similar benefits to squats and is ideal for people with lower back pains since it places no pressure on that area. It is also ideal for those with hip and knee pains.

How to perform a glute bridge

  • Just like the sit-up, lie on your back while bending your knee.

  • Place your arms at your side while your palms face the ground, and raise your hips from the floor. Make sure your shoulders and hips form a straight line for a few seconds and lower your hip down to where you started from

Perform ten reps for three sets.

Though these exercises are good, individuals with physical challenges mostly due to accidents and old age may not be quite able to perform the routines and, most especially, in the right form. Such individuals can visit https://serenityhomehealth.com/services/physical-therapy/ for all their physique, and therapy needs to bolster their health and recovery. It is just a matter of time before you start seeing improvements in your balance, muscular strength, and endurance with a routine.

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