3 Tips for Getting in Touch with Your Body and Your Health


There are so many different diet schemes and recommendations out there, and so many different exercise plans, that the prospect of getting in shape and optimizing your health can quickly end up seeming virtually impossible.

Part of the trick lies in pinpointing the most reliable advice out there and applying it to your own life consistently and in a sustainable way – but another big part of it is getting in touch with your own body, and your own health, on a personal level, so that you can tailor whatever approach you are taking to your own particular circumstances and requirements.

Here are a few tips for getting in touch with your body and your health on a personal level.

Learn about some of the tell-tale warning signs to look out for.

There are all sorts of tell-tale warning signs that can indicate you are experiencing a health crisis – or that you are at risk of one – and there are also a variety of warning signs that can let you know if you are deficient in certain nutrients, for example.

Of course, if you’ve got no idea of what signs to look out for, you’re not going to be in a great position to pick up the cues that your body is sending.

First things first, make a habit of researching and learning about some of the tell-tale warning signs to look out for, particularly when they apply to health conditions that you have reason to believe you are at risk of. Women's heart care, for example, is partly about identifying some of the signs of cardiac disturbance which often differ from the symptoms which men experience.

Get into a regular exercise routine, and learn the difference between feeling completely wiped out and feeling refreshed and energized

If you are new to exercise, you’re probably not going to be able to easily figure out the “sweet spot” where you’ve had a good workout and have given your body the right stimulus to grow, strengthen, and improve, without at the same time having burned yourself out completely.

Many people get put off their exercise routines early on because they get into the unfortunate habit of exhausting themselves to the point where their central nervous systems are virtually on the point of collapse.

Exercising consistently, and judging how you feel after and in between your workouts, is a skill that has to be developed over time. But, once you can reliably hit that “sweet spot” where you feel refreshed and energized after a workout, but not completely exhausted, you’re on the right track.

Tidy up your diet and make sure you’re getting the right amounts and ratios of different nutrients – you’ll quickly notice the difference when you start drifting

A very substantial number of people, in the world at large, experience chronic low mood, low energy levels, and assorted health conditions linked to a poor diet – but never get the root cause of their troubles because they never switch to a more nutritious eating pattern long term.

Tidy up your diet, and make sure you’re getting the right amounts and ratios of different nutrients. Consider using a tool such as Cronometer to measure the amounts of the different macro or micronutrients you’re getting, and be sure to eat plenty of whole, unprocessed foods.

The longer you stick with a truly nutritious eating style, the more quickly you’ll notice the difference when you start drifting. You will then be much better able to pinpoint the source of your problems and address them.