Your Must-Have Gym Bag Essentials

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Photo by Soragrit Wongsa on Unsplash

Photo by Soragrit Wongsa on Unsplash

If you have a fitness routine at the moment, or want to embark on a fitness journey to make yourself healthier and fitter, then going to a gym is usually a good place to start. It can help you to start off with some basics, as well as get you some expertise that you might need. A gym can be a motivator to stick at it too, as it somewhere to travel to, for time dedicated to working out. Not everyone feels motivated to work out from home. But there are some things that you take to the gym that can make a difference, to make sure that you make your whole experience, before, during, or after, to make the experience a better one. 

Protein shake

If you want to make the most of your workout, and help yourself to recover, then having a protein shake to mix up after your workout, and have on your way home, can do just that. Having a bottle filled with water ready to go can be a must for your gym bag, with a sachet or tub or protein powder ready to go after that. Then just scoop in the amount that you need, give it a shake, and you’re good to go. 


You don’t need to take a load of gadgets to the gym, as there was a time when you might need a stopwatch, an iPod, and a heart rate monitor, to name a few. If you have a smartwatch, though, you’ll be able to listen to music, monitor your workout, and use a stopwatch, all from just one device. You can also add apps to your smartwatch which can be used to help your workout and track how well things are going (such as step counters and so on). 

Hand sanitizer

As much as someone likes to use the gym, no matter how much the gym is cleaned, there will always be a lot of germs. It is where people are sweating as they touch things, and they can cough and sneeze, then touching weights and so on. Although you can’t clean the whole gym each time you go, washing your hands, and making sure that you have some sanitizer in your bag is a must. 


Of course, you need to have some sneakers with you in order to workout. But in your gym bag, it could be a good idea to have a second pair with you. If you’re walking to the gym and it is raining, then having a second pair in your bag can be really handy for a quick change.

Sports bra

Getting the right support that you need when you’re in the gym is a must. Having a good sports bra in your bag is a must, and if you have a spare, then it will make a difference for those times when you need something a little extra. Throw it in your gym bag and you’ll always know you have something ready to go.