When It Comes To Fitness, Stick To The Facts

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It seems that nowadays, one of the most complicated industries you can find yourself dealing with is fitness. While in the past, finding yourself a personal trainer was quite easy; today, it can be a minefield of misinformation and instructors that have way less experience than they claim.


Get Things Straight

The first thing that you have to realize about the fitness industry is that while there may be a lot of cowboys out there, there are also thousands of genuine people that are looking to share a wealth of knowledge to help you out.

On top of having access to these remarkable people, you also have access to technology that can also help you in so many ways. When it comes to the technology you can find yourself purchasing everything from a pill dispenser machine to help you with your supplements to equipment that logs all of your activity digitally. 

You just need to remember that now is the best time to get healthy; you just need the right people and products on the side.

You Can Target Weight Loss

One of the funniest claims that you will hear come from many inexperienced trainers is that they have developed methods that will help you target weight loss at any place on your body. While many people know this is crazy, sometimes, these people can be quite convincing.

The truth is, weight loss simply doesn’t work that way. There is no magic method that can help you lose stubborn fat from your tummy or arms. 

While you may be able to tone certain parts of your body, this should never be confused with the mythical targeted weight loss that is claimed by many online fitness influencers. 

Start Lifting Heavy

One of the most popular myths that you will still see today all over Facebook and YouTube is that if you want to get big, you better start lifting big.

Now, the trouble with this myth is that it matters not how much scientific evidence you put in front of some of these people, they still refuse to believe it. Now, what you must understand is this, there will be some people out there, that lifting very big has worked for, but don’t get excited.

The truth is, if it has worked, then there has been a little chemical interference, and steroids were used. 

When it comes down to it, the facts don't lie, every study done on heavy vs. lightweights has produced the same results and every time they squash the myth that you must lift heavy to get big.

So, while this is only a couple of myths, you may want to start digging a little deeper and discovering if your personal trainer is all that they claim.

Today, we are going to be looking at the fitness industry in a little more detail and attempting to separate a few fitness facts from fiction. You will probably find that some of the things we are going to talk about sound very familiar, and if you have heard them from a personal trainer, you may want to run in the opposite direction.