Weave in Fitness into Your Work Day


For the most part, being a working professional means putting in long hours. It also means very little time to get other things relating to your personal life done. Many times the main aspects of life affected by a busy working schedule are your health and fitness. The healthier you are, the more likely you are to truly enjoy life. No one wants a body to break down or be in poor health. Perhaps the following tips can help seamless weave in fitness while you stay committed to your work. 

Fuse your workouts with your job

Find creative ways to fuse simple workouts into your job, depending on how busy or active you are at work. Don’t overthink this process, there are several ways this can be done. From weights at your desk to going for a walk while on business call. Even if you are in school, if you’re a medical graduate undertaking an internal medicine job search, it is easier to create a more consistent fitness routine. Although studying and internships will keep you busy it’s never too early to learn how to start sprinkling fitness throughout your day. 

Change the way you commute to work

If you spend a lot of time sitting down at work, you can try making your commute to work a workout session. If you don’t work too far, try walking or cycling to work instead of driving or relying on mass transportation. If you live too far to walk or cycle to work, try parking your car a few meters away from your office so you can walk the rest of the distance. 

Start your day with a healthy breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - you’ve probably heard this several times, but it doesn’t make it less of a fact. If you’re expecting a hectic work schedule ahead of you, the last thing you want to do is skip breakfast or munch on something that won’t fuel your body properly. A healthy breakfast will give your body the fuel and nutrition it needs. Ensure that you pack your breakfast with protein, some carbs, grains, and fiber to start your day. 

Explore workouts near your office

If you’re lucky to have a gym nearby, yoga studio or park take advantage of it! This way, you’ll be able to plan your workout sessions to suit your work schedule. You can choose to workout right after work before going home or even before work. You might even be able to squeeze in a lunchtime workout from time to time.