Staying Safe Outdoors This Summer


The majority of us get the bulk of our exercise in the gym, at sports clubs, or while attending fitness classes or personal training sessions indoors. But as the summer fast approaches and the weather is getting better, many of us may be considering taking our workouts outdoors. This is particularly notable considering the coronavirus pandemic that we’re experiencing. Even when gyms do reopen, many of us may feel that we can stay safer and touchless items that others have touched by conducting our own workouts outside. Whether that’s a walk, jog, run, or cycle, it’s important to remember that you need to be conscious of your safety when exercising out in the open air too. Here are a few suggestions that can help you along the way!

Maintain Social Distancing Measures

It’s a good idea to still be conscious of maintaining social distancing measures when you exercise outdoors. Many others will have the same idea as you and will be doing the same thing. Do your utmost to maintain a two meters distance from everyone else while you’re exercising outside. This will help to limit the spread of coronavirus and minimize your chances of becoming ill. Invest in a bum bag where you can keep hand sanitizer too!

Be Wary of Roads

This may sound like basic advice and something that we teach our children, but it’s extremely important to be wary of the roads while you’re exercising outside. 66,000 were injured in car accidents that involved pedestrians in 2013 and numbers aren’t much better now. So, always try to cross at designated crossings and be patient. Stopping your jog for a few minutes while you wait for the lights to change could prove genuinely life-saving.

Keep Music Volume Levels Low

A lot of us will listen to music while we exercise. It helps to keep us motivated and gives us something to enjoy during the tougher parts of our workout. But it’s important to keep volume levels low while exercising outside. You need to be aware of sounds around you to maintain your own safety. Whether that’s traffic sounds, sounds of other pedestrians, or anyone else.

Use Sun Screen

Never underestimate the power of the sun - even on a cloudy or overcast day. It’s important that you wear sunscreen for every instance that you work outside. Find the right SPF for you and make sure to top up if you’re out of the house for a long time! This will protect your skin from harmful UV rays!

Track Your Movements

You don’t want to get lost on your walk, jog, run, or cycle. So use one of the many apps out there that tracks your whereabouts and can easily help to guide you home. Even better - plan a route in advance. This will also help you to keep a track of how far you’ve been, your speed, and other useful insights.

These suggestions should go a long way to keeping you safe while you’re exercising outdoors this summer! Implement them into your workout routine to experience the benefits!

For more information and fit tips follow me on IG @NadiaMurdock

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