5 Fun New Ways Stay Fit

You know that you have to take care of yourself. It’s something that is so important to your health and wellbeing and life in general. But, is it something that you prioritize? Do you always do it? If not, you may find that you don’t always feel your best. It’s natural for you to want to look and feel great – but not always that natural for you to fall in love with working out. Yet, you know it’s something that you need to do. Dreading exercise can be exhausting. But, you just have to make sure that you’re prioritizing fitness and taking it seriously. This will be the difference between you looking and feeling great and getting stuck in a rut.

But what do you do when you just don’t enjoy it? Is there a way to make exercise fun? Let’s take a look at some ideas that can inspire you to both get fit and active and have fun.

1. Boxing

To start with, why not consider something like boxing? There are lots of forms of martial arts that you might want to consider doing for fun. These activities can be such a good workout and even quite intense. Maybe try some at home videos first to see how you like it.

2. Trampolining

Another really fun way that you can stay fit is with trampolining. This isn’t something that you will always think about as doing as a workout but it can be something that you really fall in love with. You can get your own mini trampolines to do this at home as well. You don’t have to go to classes if you don’t want to. There are classes online that you can do in your own time.

3. Barre

A really fun workout to try is barre. As you may know, all dance workouts can be fun. But barre is based on ballet and it can be really intense. If you used to dance or you have always wanted to take up ballet, then barre could be a great fun workout for you.

4. Hiking

And then we have hiked. Maybe you’re not a huge fan of running? That’s okay, you don’t have to run to keep fit – you can walk instead. Or, more specifically, hike. If you like the idea of getting active then you could head off into the hills or the woodlands and explore. This is also something that you can do with kids if you’re looking for ways to stay fit but also involve your family.


Finally, there’s also HIIT to consider too. HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. The idea here is that you’re doing a much more intense workout for a shorter period of time. So instead of working out at a steady rate, you’re working a lot harder and burning more calories as a result. You could do a 20-minute workout and reap way more benefits compared to running for 30 minutes. So you could give this a go.

For more mindset and wellness tips follow me on IG @NadiaMurdock

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