Trying To Get Fit? Here’s What You Could Be Doing Wrong


If you’re trying to get fit but not seeing the results you want, it’s important to figure out why. When you’re training well, achieving your goals will give you the motivation to push yourself. To understand where you might be going wrong, take a look at these common fitness missteps and find out how to fix them: 

Doing the same workout every time

Working out, in the same way, all the time means you’re targeting the same muscle groups and body areas. While regular cardio is a great way to boost your heart health and burn calories, repeating the same strength training routine won’t necessarily enhance your overall fitness. 

Instead of letting your body become accustomed to the workout routine you’re using, mix things up, and push yourself in new ways. By increasing the reps you do or adding more distance to your runs, you can enhance your performance and push your boundaries at regular intervals. 

Training too much

Being committed to your fitness regime is essential for long-term success. However, training too hard can do more harm than good. The body needs time to recover after a workout, so be sure to factor rest days into your training plan. In addition to this, ‘over-training’ increases the risk of injury, which could see you sidelined for weeks or months. Give yourself a break and create a realistic training plan that will help you achieve your goals slowly and steadily. 

Only doing cardio

Cardiovascular exercise offers many benefits, including weight loss and increased mobility. However, cardio isn’t the only way to improve your fitness and lose pounds. Many people overlook the benefits of weight lifting for weight loss but you’d be surprised at how effective it can be. By incorporating weight lifting into your training regime, you can lose weight more quickly and build muscle at the same time. 

Ignoring your technique

No matter what type of exercise you choose to do, it’s important to do it right. Poor form or technique won’t help you to achieve the goals you’re aiming for. In all likelihood, it will simply put you on the fast-track to injury, pain, and discomfort. Working with a professional trainer or asking gym staff for help will ensure you’ve got the techniques down and give you the confidence you need to workout safely. 

Not enjoying yourself

If you aren’t enjoying your current fitness regime, it’s time to make a change. With so many types of exercise out there, it’s not worth forcing yourself to do something you don’t like. If you’re not a fan of the gym, try joining an outdoor class or cycling instead. If you prefer to dance to spin, then sign up with a dance school and work on your moves!

Maintaining Your Fitness Levels

As you begin to achieve your fitness goals, it’s important to reassess your new objectives and modify your workout routines. By doing so, you’ll set yourself new challenges and continue to see regular improvements in your form, fitness, and physique. 

For more mind and body, tips follow me on IG @ Nadia Murdock

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