Splendid Spoons Makes It Easier to Eat Right When Short on Time!

Splendid Spoon is expanding their offerings! The brand is continuing to help consumers change their relationship with food and launched an entirely new meal format. The new Grain Bowls are rich in flavor and texture, making this new addition a must TRY! Splendid Spoon’s new ready-to-eat grain bowls are loaded with veggies and nutrient-dense ingredients and made to fit into your busy lifestyle

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Studies show that whole grains can help you live longer by reducing your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, respiratory disease, and infectious diseases. Founder and CEO, Nicole Centeno shares with NMFIT more about this new addition and why she was passionate about including it for customers.

What made you want to expand the offerings at Splendid Spoon?

The biggest request from our customers is more variety. What you love might be totally different from what I love and it’s important that we take those unique preferences into account as we strive to help more people with their wellness goals. One of the biggest requests we have had over the past year is also really simple -- give me something to really chew!

My audience is largely females with a busy schedule, how would your brand weave in nicely for the busy health-conscious female?

In today’s world, we have less and less time but increasingly high expectations for quality. The goal for Splendid Spoon is to provide our customers with high quality food experiences that improve their quality of life. Women have gotten really good at prioritizing the big things (family, life events, career), but the in between moments can really trip us up. Splendid Spoon focuses on the food of those in-between moments -- the granola bar breakfast in the car, the 3 pm latte and muffin because we were packed with meetings and now need to get to school pick-up. If you replace the forgotten or forgettable meals of your 9-5 Monday through Friday with something super nourishing (but just as fast) you can make an enormous difference in your health. 80% of our food is eaten while multi-tasking these days. These are the meals we seek to improve for you, so you can improve your quality of life without sacrificing quality time.

How are customers responding to the new additions at Splendid?

There is a full-on grain bowl obsession. The number one most customized meal is now our Aloo Gobi quinoa bowl. It’s packed with fiber-rich veggies and a super flavorful turmeric sauce. We get a lot of feedback that customers can’t believe it’s actually healthy -- because it tastes so good. Someone told us they’ve replaced their Saturday night late-night munchies with it!

If someone is looking for natural energy what is your recommended power foods? What ingredients should they start including today into their meals?

Fiber-dense and protein-rich. Veggies and plant-based proteins like legumes are our favorite combination and have been enjoyed for centuries by some of the most long-lived communities around the world. We love some healthy fats for satiety and low glycemic index energy as well. Ingredients like lentils, pea protein, coconut milk, avocados and a mix of complex carbs (aka whole fruits and veggies) are our go-to power ingredients. And our favorite quick fix for those days when you are really sluggish is matcha -- super high in antioxidants, and unlike coffee, it contains amino acid L-Theanine which slows down the release of caffeine and prevents the jitters.

For more information on Splendid Spoons click here!

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