Settle For Nothing Less: 4 Ways To Live Your Best Life


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On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you?

We know full happiness is hard to attain - life is stressful, after all - but if your happiness rating ranks low, then you should ask yourself why. You should also ask yourself what you can do to make a difference in your life.

You see, here's the thing. Life is short. To live a life that isn't as fulfilling as you want it to be is no way to live at all. While we aren't saying your life has to be perfect, you do deserve to live as happy a life as possible. As our title suggests, you should settle for nothing less.

So, what can you do to live your best life? On one level, it's difficult for us to answer that. You know yourself better than we do, so ultimately, you're responsible for finding the answers within yourself. However, we do have some pointers that could lead you in the right direction, so have a look at our suggestions below. If they relate to you, then focus on them in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

#1: Focus on your health

If you don't look after your health, you are obviously going to suffer the consequences. You might fall ill on a regular basis, suffer from specific health conditions, and lack the energy to do those things that give you enjoyment in life.

So, place a special focus on your health.

You can do this in small ways, perhaps by making changes to your diet, doing more to live an active lifestyle, and making sure you get the right amount of sleep each night. By forming positive habits in such ways, you will do much for your overall mood and energy levels, and you will be in a better position to do those things that give you happiness.

You can also take brave steps where your health is concerned. If you know you need help in any way, you should pluck up the courage to ask for it. It might be that you suffer from an addiction, for example, so registering yourself onto an inpatient drug rehab program or similar could be the next best thing for you. You might also want to seek counseling therapy if you feel as if your mental health is in jeopardy. And if you have been putting off a health exam, it might be time to make those crucial appointments. So, think. What help do you need?

Not many of us experience perfect levels of health, but that doesn't mean improvements can't be made in your life. By concentrating on a healthy lifestyle, by dealing with your addictions, and by seeking support, you will be in a better place to live your best life.

#2 Make a bucket list

It might be that you have made a bucket list already, but if you haven't ticked off many items from your list, then you might want to make a plan of action to live out some of your dreams. But if you haven't made a bucket list, now is the time to do so.

So, think about the places you want to visit in life. Think about the things you want to achieve. Look into the future, and consider those areas in your life that you want to improve upon before you reach an advanced age. And then add these things to your bucket list.

You see, it would be a shame to live with regrets when you are older. It would be a shame to live your life wondering what might have been if you had done this, and how your life could have changed for the better if you did that. While you might still have many years left in you after retirement, it is still a good idea to get through as much of your bucket list as you can while you're young.

Not only will you live a happier life if you manage to achieve those dream goals from your list, but when you're old and gray, you will be able to look back on your life with pride and satisfaction. You will be able to tell yourself and others, 'I lived my best life!'

#3: Do something meaningful

Have you ever asked yourself the question: What is the point of my life?

Many of us do, and this is often because we don't find a sense of meaning in our lives. Sure, we might get up each day, go to work, switch on the television, and Facebook our friends. But is that all there is to life? We would be living pretty mundane lives if that were the case.

So, try to find some meaning in life. You can do this in the following ways.

Consider the things that excite you and stir your passions, and then follow them. So, you might want to take up a new hobby, spend more time doing the things that you enjoy, and engage with others who share similar interests to you.

You might want to do something to help and inspire others. So, you might spend more time with the people you know who could benefit from your care and wisdom. You could involve yourself in charity work, perhaps by volunteering for a local project or by raising money for a worthy cause. And you could simply bless the people around you with kind words, happy smiles, and tokens of appreciation that will make their day.

And finally, you might consider your career plan. Do you have a sense of meaning and purpose within your job role? Or are you stuck on a career path that is leading you nowhere but the path marked Dullsville? Don't settle for second best in your career. If you know that you have more to offer the world than what you are already doing, and if you know that you were made for something better, take action and find a way to alter your career journey.

By taking some of these steps, you will be living your best life. You will have passion, purpose, and a larger sense of meaning. You will be living a life that you don't hate, resent, and one day regret.

#4: Challenge yourself

If you want a slim and fit body, sign up for a gym class and/or hire yourself a personal trainer. If you want to change your career, take the qualifications necessary to give you those opportunities you are craving. If you want to make more friends in life, dare to set foot in those places where you are going to meet new people, such as at a hobby class or through a meetup group.

In short, if you want something you have never had before, you have to do something you have never done before.

So, look at what you want from your life. Formulate a plan of action that will get you to where you want to be. And then, rather than procrastinate and back off with fear, get up and do something that will positively change your life for the better.

When you challenge yourself to be better, do better, and live better, you will come to that point when you are living your best life.


So, don't settle for second best. Don't assume that your life has to be the same forevermore. If you aren't happy, make those changes. Do more to care for your health, start to tick off those items on your bucket list, find special meaning in your life, and challenge yourself. By following these steps, you will start to live your best life.

Take care, and thanks for reading!

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