Resisting the Sedentary Lifestyle: How to Stay Fit When You’re Super Busy at Work

Guest blog post

We all know how easy it is to fall into the same pattern of work, eat, sleep, repeat, without giving much thought to keeping ourselves fit and active. However, looking after your fitness and keeping on top of your health is incredibly important for your physical and mental wellbeing, so we’ve got three ways that you can stay fit whilst work is keeping you busy.


Watch Your Diet

Your diet is one of the most significant factors in your health, and needs to be considered when trying to stay on top of your fitness. It’s easy to grab a bag of crisps on the way to work or from the canteen, but this will only have a negative impact on your physical health, and your mental health too, leaving you feeling unhappy. 

Making sure you eat a balanced diet full of vitamins, nutrients, fiber and protein is essential to looking after your wellbeing and making sure you stay energized throughout the day. Eating healthy is worth it to avoid the excess fat and sugar you end up eating with unhealthier food. Cooking is a great way to eat healthier, and can give you a bit of quality time with your partner or kids if you’re short on time with work. A win-win! 

Make Room for Exercise

Exercising with so much work to do seems like an impossible task, but it’s not hard to squeeze in some simple work out ideas to keep yourself active. Walking is always a good start – instead of spending your lunch break inside an overcrowded building, stretch your legs and go outside, and find a bench to eat your (healthy!) lunch. 

Signing up to a specific class is also a good way to make sure you’re making time for exercise – perhaps dedicate an evening to dance, or tennis, or whatever sport is your thing. If you sign up to a class, it’s easier to stick to it as part of your schedule, meaning you’ll be able to get that endorphin boost at least once a week. There’s also clothing you can invest in to aid you with working out when it’s difficult to make time for; something like a sauna vest is perfect for those who struggle to get to the gym, as it gives you the same benefits you’d get from going to the gym just by carrying out your daily activities. Result! 

Keep Your Mental Health in Check

As well as making sure you’re on top of your physical health, your mental health is just as important. Disregarding your mental health means you could encourage feelings like stress and depression, and leave yourself feeling drained and pushed. To make sure you’re at your best, take time to do little things that will improve your mental health – mindfulness is a great thing to introduce into your daily routine, and is easy to do. You can do it anywhere, whether that’s in the shower, on the way to work, or before you sleep, and you can do as much or as little as you like. This should help you bring your mind to the present and reinstate some calm and happiness in you. 

Making sure you get the right amount of sleep is also necessary in ensuring you can stay fit and healthy – a full 8 hours is a must, even though it may be tempting to stay up a little later than you should. 

Although it can seem hard to keep yourself fit and healthy whilst being busy at work, implementing these little additions to your routine will make a massive difference in keeping yourself healthy.

For more fitness inspiration and barre workouts visit Nadia Murdock Fit on Instagram @NadiaMurdock and the NMFIT Blog!