Open Up Your Back And Hips With These Yoga Poses

Now that winter is upon us in full swing, it is high time that we consider looking after our bodies and minds a little better. One of the best ways to stretch out and keep our body flexible is to practice yoga.

Yoga has become much more popular over the years and this is partly due to the benefits it brings us. Yoga lengthens the muscles, improves balance and posture, and strengthens our body too. 

Today we want to specifically talk about stretching out the back and the hips, and we have some wonderful poses for you to try this week that will accomplish just that. 

Downward dog 

Downward dog is the most common pose you’ll hear during your session - and whether you are performing a hatha yoga sequence or a vinyasa, a downward dog is always a resting pose designed to open up the body without putting a strain on it. To open up your back and hips today - start off on all floors and then tuck your toes and lift your hips up. You may need to move your legs back a little bit, and as you do you should stretch your back as much as it can - aiming to make a straight line from head to bum. 


The pigeon pose is one which can be difficult to master and will also be a tad uncomfortable when you first try it - however, this is an incredibly beneficial pose and one which will open up those tight hip muscles a treat. To complete the pigeon pose, the easiest way to start is in a downward dog. Lift one leg up for a few seconds for downward dog leg up, and then scoop this leg forward - through your body and allow it to rest in front of you at a right angle, as you sink your hips down to a seated position. The challenge with pigeon is being able to sit completely on the floor as well as keep your leg perpendicular in front of you. You may have to use your hands to hold your leg in place, and folding forward into this stretch sometimes helps. Relax your muscles and enjoy the stretch for 20 seconds. 

Locust with interlace

Locust with interlace is a pose that is designed to open up the chest as well as your shoulders and back. It is a stretch that will improve the flow of oxygen from your lungs and will make a big impact on your health. To get into this pose, start lying on your front with hands by your sides. Take a breath in and lift your arms and legs off the ground, aiming to push your shoulder blades together. Take another breath and interlace your hands behind your back, and then push your hands away from your chest and you breathe. Hold this for around 30 seconds. 


Feeling a little adventurous? Start lying on your back and lift your legs up into a shoulder stand-  your legs should be straight up in the air as well as your lower torso with weight held by your shoulders. Take a deep breath and then drop your legs towards your head, aiming to get your feet to touch the ground above your head. You likely won’t do this straight away but with practice, you will! This stretch opens up the spine and hips and increases your strength and flexibility.

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