Why Walking Is Good For You

Earlier this fall I had the opportunity to have a great conversation with Joyce Shulman of 99 Walks for her podcast. (To hear the full interview click here!) Walking helped me so much after both my pregnancies and I feel it’s often overlooked as a solid form of movement to get you feeling good!

Take a look at the interview below with Joyce as I dive deeper to learn more about 99 Walks and the community she has created.


NMFIT: Why did you create 99 Walks?

Joyce: I’ve discovered throughout my life that the simple act of walking is incredibly powerful. I have solved more problems, shaken off more stress, created more ideas, and lost more weight walking than through any other practice or habit. It has kept me sane, fit, and healthy. Oodles of research bears this out, as walking has been shown to have a profound impact on your body, mind, and mood. It reduces your risk of everything from diabetes to dementia; it’s a valuable tool in combating depression; it fuels your creativity and improves your decision-making. 99 Walks was created as a way to help women experience the magical healing power of walking and to help them change their lives for the better.

99 Walks' mission is simple: to get one million women walking. Because together, we can help build community, improve wellbeing, combat loneliness, and help increase longevity. All by lacing up our sneakers and heading out the door.


NMFIT: What has been the most rewarding thing about creating this community?

Joyce: Within 99 Walks, we have created a community of women who cheer each other on, lift each other up, and inspire each other to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Being a part of such a positive and unconditionally loving group is incredibly rewarding and inspiring.

NMFIT: I am all about mindset, has this platform encouraged a positive shift for those that may be struggling?

Joyce: For sure. The mental benefit of walking is astounding! We have seen members walk through mental and physical illness, the loss of loved ones, natural disasters and so much more, all coming out on the other side stronger, healthier, and happier. Our members are seeing that having a positive mindset, taking time for, and believing in themselves can be life-changing. Our monthly themes set them on the path to positivity, and they embrace it and apply it to their own personal journey.

For more information visit: https://www.99walks.fit/

For more wellness and mindset tips follow me on IG @NadiaMurdock

Check out my new 4-week program called The Ultimate Jump Start!