How To Feel Good About What You Eat Post Workout

When you spend time putting a lot of effort into your workouts, you are always looking at how you can improve your recovery afterward. Perhaps you use rollers and a cold shower to help your muscles to feel good, but what do you eat? 

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There is every chance that you’ve thought about your pre and post-workout nutrition to better fuel your body and help your muscles to repair. Consuming the right nutrients once you’ve put your body through some exercise is so important, especially if you want to be able to keep performing better. Eating after you workout is so important, so whether you go for food that you cook up ready for afterward or you buy from, you need to make sure that your post-workout nutrition is on point. As you exercise, your body uses up the stores of glycogen for fuel. The rebuild is important, and with the right food, you can decrease the muscles breaking down and you can increase muscle synthesis. It’ll also help you to enhance your recovery.


Eggs, meat, fish, shakes - all sources of protein that you could use after a workout. Proteins in your muscles break down when you exercise, and with the right amount of protein, after you’re done, you can give your body the amino acids it needs to rebuild. 


Bananas, toast, apples - all sources of carbohydrates to have after your workout. Your body needs the fuel after exercise, and the rate of your fuel being burnt depends on the activity you are doing. Replenishing those fuel stores is vital - and carbs can help you to do it. Choose the best carbs that give you the right vitamins - not a loaf of bread!


Eggs and red meat are both excellent sources of fat that will be beneficial to you after your workout. While most people believe that fats slow down digestion and inhibit nutrient absorption, it’s not quite the case. Yes, it will slow down absorption of your meal after a workout, but it won’t be less than beneficial. Whole milk is an excellent source of fat and it’s been proven to promote muscle growth and it works better than skim milk. Of course, it’s always a good idea to limit how much fat you eat after your workout - no one is suggesting chowing down on cheeseburgers. However, it won’t affect your recovery if you have something high in fat.

The key is balance when it comes to your post-workout meal. Fruit and vegetables, whether whole or juiced, will give you energy. A combination of fat, protein, and carbs will help you to feel good and repair your muscles at the same time. Your workout is going to make your body healthier, so it’s important that you follow it up with the right fuel. You should be practical about the way you feed your body post-workout as much as you are pre-workout. Take the time to learn what will work for you and you will be ready to put your body through its paces!