How To Deal With Holiday Stress
The first major holiday of the season has come and gone, was your Thanksgiving a stressful one? Were you able to identify what the triggers were? Perhpas family, cooking, time or all of the above?!
Regardless of the next holiday you are celebrating or plan on celebrating being able to do it with less stress is always a plus! In the Nadia Murdock Fit Holiday Package I offer helpful tips for the mind and body so that you don't loose yourself during the holidays. Below are few tips to get you headed in the right direction.
Photo credit: Chelsea Francis
1. Take one thing At time. Sure you have a mile long to-do list but that doesn't mean everything needs to get done immediately. Create a list and prioritize what needs to get done, I always feel better once I have written stuff done.
2. Don't skip workouts! Once you start skipping workouts and meals it's hard to come back from that. Try to maintain all your regular healthy lifestyle habits whether it's a morning run or your afternoon green juice. Sticking to these well formed habits well help you avoid the dreaded winter muffin top!
Photo credit: Kevin Curtis
3. Enjoy the season. Try not to think about the negative things that may come with this time of year like money, stress and lack of time. Instead concentrate on the things you love or try to discover new things you might love. This will help you to keep a positive mind frame, once you have that you have won half the battle.
For more mind and body tips like this make sure to download my Holiday Survival Package by visiting the Fit Shop.
Training minds, changing bodies!
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