Spices & Herbs to Improve Your Health

Finding ways to improve your health big or small will ultimately lead to an overall healthy lifestyle.  For most improving your diet usually presents itself as a daunting task, therefore it's often overlooked.  Eliminating sugar and sodium when it comes to creating a healthy lifestyle is extremely important.  Below you will find a few spices that I use on a daily basis!  With spices, I am able to cultivate healthy dishes minus the unwanted sugar and salt. 

Basil Leaves: Basil is native to India and other tropical locations in Asia. Often used in alternative medicine it has been known to reduce swelling and inflammation.  It's also a powerful antioxidant rich with anti-aging properties. Basil is over flowing with Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C , iron, calcium and magnesium and potassium. 

Ground Cumin: Not only does this spice offer a nice variety when it comes to preparing various dishes but it packs a multitude of benefits too! It has been known to aid with digestion, the common cold, skin disorders, asthma, insomnia, improve immunity and much more!  I discovered this spice when I was looking for holistic methods to improve my thyroid health. 

Sage: This Mediterranean herb has a long history of medicinal use ranging from mental disorders to gastrointestinal discomfort. Studies reveal that sage has shown improvement in case studies where patients have mild cases of Alzheimer's. It has also shown to lower blood glucose and cholesterol. 

Ground Ginger: I can't get enough of ginger! It's an excellent anti-inflammatory and well-known for treating digestive issues. If you are looking to infuse more holistic approaches into your lifestyle consider ginger to treat menstrual disorder, nausea and indigestion just to name a few. 

Training minds, changing bodies!

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