How To Become A Morning Runner

Working out in the morning can be very challenging especially if you are not a morning person!  With the weather warming up soon it might be the perfect time to make the transition to AM workouts.  Forming new health and wellness habits takes a lot of mental strength so you have to dig deep.  Once you are consistent you are on your way to regular sunrise sweat sessions in no time.  Below are few tricks you can start including in your morning routine until it becomes second nature.

·       Start scheduling your runs for the week.  When you know what you have planned for the week it’s less daunting and you might even find yourself getting excited about getting up early. 

·       Make sure to vary your running trails.  By switching up the scenery of your runs you are less likely to get bored and look forward to your morning runs!

·       Try laying out your workout gear from the night before, this will help to get you out the door on time and avoid procrastination.

·       Set an alarm on your phone from the night before with words of inspiration to help remind you to get a good nights rest so you can give it your all in the AM.

·       Get a morning work out buddy to run with – not only is it safer but you’re less likely to skip your work out when you’re partnered up!

·       Get a killer running mix to work out ready the night before.  It will be something you’ll look forward to jamming with and surely get you out of bed!  Music helps you rise!


Training minds and changing bodies!

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