Celebrity Fitness: Kate Hudson

After gaining 70 pounds with her second child Bing, Kate Hudson has re-trained her mind and body to drop the baby weight.  Once weighing 184 pounds Kate discovered workouts that centered the mind and body, exercised portion control and partook in daily workouts. 

Instead of an insanely restrictive diet she aggressively worked out (6 hours a day) to drop the 70 pounds she gained post baby.  Hudson also started paying more attention to what she was eating with the help of the app My Fitness Pal.  Kate has always been a fitness lover and stays in shape by doing Pilates, yoga, running and jumping rope. 

Kate truly works the no excuses rule: “My new thing is that I always carry a jump rope with me," she said. "Whenever I have a break during the day, I’ll just jump. I can either sit around looking at my phone or I can jump!" says Hudson.   

Ms. Hudson is truly an inspiration and keeps it real, I think I am going to purchase a jump rope!


Training minds and changing bodies!

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