Celebrate Cinco de Mayo on The Skinny Side: Healthy Makeovers for a Fave Drink

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  What a perfect excuse to indulge in a delicious margarita!  From extra sugar to salty glass rims this beverage is not always the most calorie friendly option but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy this delicious treat! Take a look at the tasty margarita recipes below that will keep your guests happy and prevent your scale from tipping over.


By swapping out a few simple ingredients and utilizing delicious fruit you can have all the fun without all the guilt.  

Traditional Margarita: With a few ingredient substitutions your traditional margarita is now skinny! If you must use salt opt for sea salt or get rid of it all together. Another option is Skinny Girl Margarita (perfect for a time crunch)!  Get rid of the sugary margarita mix and use fresh lemon juice! 

Watermelon Margarita: Watermelon is packed with its own natural sugars and predominantly made up of water making it a refreshing drink. For a low-calorie recipe visit: My Recipes.com

Peach Margarita: Peaches have been known to keep skin healthy and radiant, sipping on this will be like going to the spa. Try Kim's Peach Margarita Recipe, make sure to swap out the triple sec with sugar free triple sec. 

Coconut Margarita: Coconuts are known to provide a boost of energy; this will make you the life of the party on a natural high. Try this recipe, opt for unsweetened coconut flakes and again use sugar free triple sec.

For more fun low-calorie recipes visit Health.com

Happy Cinco de Mayo!


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