Fitness Files: Emilie McBride

For the first Fitness Files of 2015 I sat with Emilie McBride Raw Food Coach & Chef to learn more about her background as a raw chef and her involvement with Deckopedia.  

McBride is a passionate cook that recalls always having a love for fresh produce and cooking. She studied raw food cuisine in Bali at the same time working on her yoga teacher training. Today she is dedicated to follow the path of health, through an easy, fresh, organic cuisine. Her recipe: A handful of passion for cooking, a big zest of dedication to health, shake it, stir it : get the optimum Energy cocktail.  Continue reading to lear more about McBride!

NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?  

EM: While I was on maternity leave with my second daughter, I started a blog about food and gradually started to move towards healthier versions of cooking. One day I was chatting with my sister, who trained as a yoga teacher in California, and she mentioned the raw food movement. She just got back from the states and she told me that it was everywhere there... Being curious about anything surrounding food, I started to look into it and it quickly caught my attention! At that time of my life I needed a change and that's why I decided to dedicate myself to cooking— particularly healthy gourmet cooking. After some research I found the perfect opportunity in Bali where I became a certified raw and vegetarian chef. It changed my life, and I am so grateful to my amazing family to have let me do so.

NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow? 

EM: My preferred snacks are fruits like apples and banana,  Bliss Balls made with nuts, dates. Also superfoods and smoothies since they provide much needed energy when I workout or when I am on the go. And they are sugar-free and healthy! 

NMF: How do you change your body?  What are your fitness favorites? Yoga most definitely is my favorite!

EM: From Ashtanga to Yin Yoga depending on the time of day I practice, or my energy level.

NMF: At Nadia Murdock Fit our motto is “Train Your Mind, Change Your Body” so we must ask: How do you train your mind and stay motivated? 

EM: I meditate everyday if possible or at least twice a week by either doing a guided meditation or a simple meditation based on the breath.

NMF: If you were only to go raw once in a while, or just once a week do you think it is still beneficial? Do you have to go raw every day? 

EM: It really depends on the person. Like I say in the Raw Food's Beginner Deck, try to be raw for one meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Or try having just one raw food day a week—or go raw for one, two or three weeks. The key is to listen to your body and be in tune with it. Notice the change in your energy level according to what you eat. 

NMF: What are some of your favorite recipes in the Raw Food Beginner's Deck that are a great start for the new year? 

EM: For sure the juices and smoothies, the chia pudding, kale chips and of course the Coco Choco Tart!

Learn more about Emilie's Detox Yoga by clicking here!

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Training minds, changing bodies!

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