Q &A with Life Coach Marybeth Cale

I connected with Life Coach and Speaker Marybeth Cale at the perfect time. With so many people looking to make a change in the new year, I asked Marybeth to share her expertise when it comes to making changes that stick (something I know a lot about myself). Continue reading my Q & A with Marybeth for helpful tips on living a fulfilled life. 

NMFIT: One of my company motto's is train your mind, change your body. What advice can you offer someone looking to get and stay focused on their weight loss goals in the new year? 
MC: I definitely spend most of my time with clients focusing on how the goals fit into something bigger – in the case of weight loss, being motivated by something that REALLY matters to you. Working toward increased chances of longevity is a great motivator for all of us, particularly when we think about the people we love. Knowing that we will have more energy and, therefore, be more productive in our personal and professional lives can serve as inspiration. Again, looking at VALUES and PURPOSE, not just the weight loss goal and action step. If we value health because we feel connected to our purpose in this world of being our best for others, and we know that being healthy will maximize our ability to live out our purpose, we are probably more likely to choose healthy. Think deeply and purposefully about what we want out of life, and the rest seems to work out!

NMFIT: It's easier to achieve weight loss goals with a supportive partner, how can one help their partner see eye to eye?
MC: Absolutely – getting your partner involved is not only key to staying on track with goals and meeting with success, but it can also be incredibly romantic to enjoy athletics together and get healthy as a couple. In terms of seeing eye to eye, I work with clients on building a culture of clear, confident communication in their relationships. If you are openly sharing what you envision for your future, and what motivates you to get to that point, and actively listening to what motivates your partner and what he/she envisions, you can honor one another as you move toward your individual goals. Active listening is key, and celebrating one another as individuals, regardless of which goals overlap (or don't), will go a long way in keeping you both feeling happy and ready to make your way to healthier living. It is okay to have different goals and unique ways of achieving your goals – the important thing is to support one another and selflessly celebrate successes along the way.

For more tips from Marybeth Cale visit: http://www.examiner.com/article/life-coach-marybeth-cale-offers-health-and-lifestyle-tips-for-the-new-year

For more information visit: http://marybethcale.com/


Training minds, changing bodies!

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