I'll Have What She's Having: Fruttata Snacks

Fruttata is the leading maker of delicious and healthy freeze-dried fruit crisp snacks. The crisps are created via freeze drying , the process of removing moisture from food through a dryer at -40°F.

The snacks are made from the freshest tropical fruits including:

  • apples
  • bananas
  • mangos 
  • pineapples 

I actually had some last night since I was craving something sweet after dinner. This guilt-free snack is the ultimate, tasty on-the-go treat, with all the health benefits and nutrients of real fruit (because it is just that – real fruit)!

This product retails for $1.79- $9.79 and can be found on Amazon.com, Duane Reade and Costco stores.

Did I mention it's only 35 calories per serving?! For more information visit: http://fruttatacrisps.com/


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