Every Day Health And Wellness

It can sometimes seem that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a challenge that is impossible to manage with daily life. It can be tough to keep up with the demands of work, healthy eating, exercise, spending time with your family and friends, and other wellness practices. Healthy living can be made up of all of these things if you want it to, but it doesn’t have to be defined by complicated plans for health and wellness. A lot of healthy living is actually made up of small things that we can do every day. These things are simple enough to not feel overwhelming, but when you do them consistently over time, they will add up to great results.

Here are some simple changes to lead a healthier, happier life. All of these things are easy things that be easily made part of your daily life. 


  1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Coffee is popular, but starting the day by re-hydrating with a big glass of water is much better for you. Hydrating first thing after dehydrating overnight will help your digestion, improve the health of your skin, and boost your energy levels. 

  2. Take the stairs. Taking the stairs is a very easy way to squeeze a bit more physical activity into your life on a daily basis. Stairs also strengthen and tone your legs and your core. 

  3. Look after your feet. Our feet are hard-working, so they need proper care. Wear supportive shoes, with custom orthotics if you need them. 

  4. Fill half of your plate with vegetables. An easy change to make for healthy eating and better portion control is to make half of your plate vegetables for every meal. Vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are important for your health and longevity. Because vegetables are rich in fiber, they will help your digestion too and help you to feel full.

  5. Track your steps. Using a fitness tracker, like a Fitbit, Apple Watch, or the step counter on your phone to track your steps is a simple way to ensure that you are getting enough physical activity every day. Aim to get in around 10,000 steps on a daily basis, which can have real benefits for your mental and physical health. A fitness tracker will also remind you to get in 250 steps every hour, which helps too. 

  6. Change to non-toxic household cleaning products. A lot of classic household cleaning products are made with harmful chemical ingredients that are not good for your health and can even be a danger to children and pets. An easy way to cut your exposure to toxins in your home is to change to more natural alternatives for your cleaning products. 

  7. Use non-toxic skincare and personal care products. Like cleaning products, conventional skincare and personal care products are made using some ingredients that aren’t actually very good for us after continuous use. Change to non-toxic personal care and beauty products instead. 

  8. Take a probiotic daily. Keeping your gut healthy does a lot of good things for your digestion, skin health, immunity, mental health, and more. Take a daily probiotic with your glass of water in the morning to improve the health of your gut, which will in turn improve your overall health. 

  9. Eat real food. Try to eat foods that are made with whole food ingredients that you would realistically be able to find in your own kitchen. This will probably rule out a lot of prepackaged food and does differ from aiming to just eat healthy foods, as many healthy foods are becoming increasingly processed. Real food would include unprocessed foods like an avocado, a pear, soybeans, or a tuna steak, as well as some foods that have been loosely processed from one or only a few real-food ingredients, like yogurt, butter, or olive oil. To put it into simple terms, try to eat mainly foods that could be made in your own kitchen and stay away from foods that can only be made in a food lab. 

  10. Stand up every 30 minutes while you work. Reduce the harmful effects of sitting at a desk for long periods by standing up and moving around for a minute or two every half an hour.

  11. Get sunlight every day. Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients and the sunlight is one of the best ways to get it. Try to get at least 30 minutes of sunlight every day, or take a Vitamin D supplement if you can’t.