Celebrity Fitness: Joy Bryant


Joy Bryant likes a little adventure when it comes to her fitness activities.  Bryant is a loves the outdoors, as a contributing writer for Burton Girls she shares the love of a snowboarding lifestyle.  When it comes to working out her mind and body Joy practices Kundalini Yoga, this practice has been said to be the mother of all yogas.  Producing results 16 times faster than other forms of yoga it is very demanding physically and mentally. 

So what is Kundalini yoga exactly? The name means to focus on awakening the kundalini energy through regular practice of meditation and chanting mantra. The goal is to cultivate the spiritual potential of a human, speak truth and focus on the compassion needed to serve and heal others.   To learn more about this practice you can check out the resources below. 

Joy realizes the importance of training your mind and body!  


Training minds and changing bodies!

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