How Do You Show Gratitude?
The best thing my mom taught me!
How do you show gratitude? You maybe asking yourself what does this have to do with health and wellness? PLENTY! Showing gratitude to your workout partner, personal trainer or nutritionist is just the tip of the iceberg. Why not think about those that have supported you before you started seeing results. Friends and family that cheered you on at first 5K or a significant other that supported you when you were ready to give up or fall off the bandwagon!
The ability to show gratitude is part of acknowledging the small yet amazing accomplishments that you have made in life. Being grateful helps you to maintain and build a strong support group which is important in all facets of ones life. Not sure where to start? Try my exercise below so that you can be on your way to shaping an appreciative attitude.
NMFIT Gratitude Exercise
- On a piece of paper or journal list all the things that you are grateful, let your thoughts pour onto the paper. Once you have completed the list read it back to yourself, you may surprise yourself how fortunate you are and the amazing positive things that are in your life. Having a heightened awareness of this will help you to have a positive attitude and that's essential when it comes to achieving weight loss and life goals.
- Tell three people that have always been in your corner, thank you! Sometimes hearing those simple words are worth a million!
- Think of a few unique ways you can show gratitude to those that have supported you. A night out on the town is nice but be creative and thoughtful. Perhaps this person is a lover of golf, purchasing a personal training session with a golf pro would be a phenomenal gift (groupon always has deals)! If this person loves cook, maybe cook them dinner or sign up for cooking lessons. Think outside the box!
I leave you with this......
“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Training minds and changing bodies!
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