Aromatherapy is Powerful Therapy!

Have you tried aromatherapy?  Do you know what it is?  I was approached by Aura Cacia to test out a few of their popular products.  Being that I know the benefits of aromatherapy for the mind and body I couldn't pass up the opportunity. 

Aura Cacia began in 1982 and considered a leader in aromatherapy sales and quality — as well as a key source of expert information that has fueled the widespread awareness of aromatherapy that is seen today. Many oils are not what the claim to be, branding themselves as natural when in reality they are filled with tons of unnatural ingredients. 

Aura Cacia's stands out by sourcing authentic, high-quality essential oils — dealing face-to-face with the people growing the plants and extracting the essential oil whenever possible. The oils are derived from places like Europe, the Ukraine, Oregon and Australia in order to find the best sources for their oils.

Every oil is tested to make sure it meets their high standards. This helps to guarantee that they are providing the highest quality essential oils available. Whenever possible, they offer oils that are certified organic as well.

Shannon Ousley, Director of Aura Cacia Marketing says:  
"The aromatic properties of pure essential oils are a catalyst for change in our mind, body and spirit. From soothing to energizing, the unique properties of essential oils affect us in a range of ways – empowering us to find balance throughout our lives."

So what are few of benefits from aromatherapy?  Aura Cacia shares the following: 

Mind: Essential oil aromas stimulate the part of the brain that affects emotion. The impression of the aroma is sent directly and immediately to the limbic system where memories are stored and pleasure and emotions are perceived. When stimulated, the limbic system releases chemicals that affect the central nervous system. Serotonin counteracts anxiety; endorphins reduce pain and affect sexual response.  

Inhaling essential oils can help us attain a pleasurable emotional balance. A balanced emotional state in turn can have a therapeutic effect on physical problems.

Enhance your mental and physical well-being with essential oils using direct inhalation or diffusion. Direct inhalation is great when immediate relief is needed.

BodyEssential oils are quickly absorbed through the skin, traveling around individual cells and into hair follicles, where the oils enter the sebaceous glands and mingle with the skin's natural emollients. The chemical properties of the oils can be cleansing, deodorizing, toning, or balancing.

Essential oils add an aesthetic dimension to the healing effects of massage therapy, compresses, facial steams and body and foot baths.

Spirit:  A diffused aroma creates a mysterious presence in a room, then wafts away like a wish or prayer. The essential oils can be thought of as the quintessential spirit of plants, captured in a jar. Frankincense oil has been used as an adjunct to meditation and prayer for centuries. Its rich, balsamic aroma penetrates deeply into the lungs, inspiring slow, regular breathing. Try diffusing frankincense to help carry you along on your next spiritual journey.

Essential oils have positive effects on every level of being. Their unique properties enhance the mind, body and spirit. Aromatherapy is the creative and scientific application of essential oils to create beneficial changes in our lives on aesthetic, therapeutic and mystical levels.

Aura Cacia makes aromatherapy accessible with innovative ready-to-use products that let even beginners realize the full benefits of our high-quality essential oils in a variety of ways that can easily be a part of any lifestyle.

For more information visit:

Disclaimer: Nadia Murdock Fit received product for this review, all opinions are my own.


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