Are you prioritizing yourself?

Someone asked me how do you know if you aren't prioritizing yourself?

I replied by saying “If you are seeking fulfillment in people outside of yourself it might be time to take a closer look. You are the only one that can start putting yourself first.”

Below are some things to consider if you are still not sure.

  1. You neglect your basic needs: If you are failing to even take a shower on a regular basis you definitely not putting yourself first. I realized this last year when I was always running around to get everyone else ready and out the door and I looked and felt like a hot mess. You don't have to be dolled up to prioritize yourself. There are simple ways to put yourself first. If you enjoy putting on perfume or your favorite facial oil this should not be forgotten.

  2. You can't remember the last time you had fun: Is everyone having fun but you? Whatever fun looks like for you, you need to be doing more of it!

  3. You feel unfulfilled: Whether it's your relationships or your career rediscover things that light you up. The only way you can do this is through self-discovery and being honest with yourself. What is lacking in your life....not what you think you SHOULD have but what you truly need? This is not an overnight process and the discovery phase can actually be a lot of fun. Look at it as an adventure, not something to be scared of.

  4. You are always tired: Putting yourself last on a to-do list will cause anyone to feel drained. Unapologetically take naps, say no, do a spa day or meditate. People around you won't know what you need if you don't start setting those boundaries.

Need more help putting yourself first and keeping yourself accountable? Sign up for a free consultation by clicking here.