4 Easy Tips To Stay Healthy When Moving


Moving from one location to another will require a lot of strength. You will have to accomplish several tasks weeks before and after the move to ensure that you can live comfortably in your new home. Long-distance moving will require more preparations from your end. 

Although hiring NYC movers and other movers from your location are vital, you shouldn’t solely focus on this task alone; you should also exert time and effort in looking after your health. How can you move with ease if you are sickly? How can you accomplish all of your move-related tasks if you don’t have the energy to get out of bed? “Health is wealth,” and this remains true even when you’re moving. 

Listed below are some easy tips for you to stay healthy when moving:

Set A Schedule For Your Meals And Always Follow Through

With the number of responsibilities on your plate, it’s common to forget about eating your meals on time. More often than not, your schedule will require you to accomplish different tasks during the day, making it very hard for you to eat your meals on time. This is one of the biggest mistakes people do when they move. 

Regardless of how tempting it can be, you should never skip your meals before, during, and after your move. As mentioned, you will have to accomplish a lot of tasks when moving, which is why you need to eat the right food at the right time to ensure that you have the energy and strength for these tasks. 

Start Your Day With A Well-Rounded Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it breaks your fasting at night. The food you eat during breakfast can significantly affect your energy for the day and your overall health. Consuming a well-rounded breakfast every day will make it very easy for you to stay healthy, even after the move.

Make sure that you achieve this goal by spending time to prepare your meals. Wake up earlier than your usual schedule so you can prepare meals from scratch. If your daily routine doesn’t allow you to do this, look for recipes that can be prepared the night before, and can easily be consumed in the morning. Overnight oats topped with fruits can be a great example of this. 


Get Smart About Snacks

You will likely consume snacks when preparing for the move. More often than not, you will take snacks as you’re busy packing your valuables, labeling your moving boxes or moving appliances inside your old home. 

Fast foods are available almost anywhere, but this doesn’t mean that you should order these foods the moment you see yourself hungry. Fast foods and junk foods are packed with carbohydrates and saturated fat that can become the reason why you will gain weight and become at risk for other health conditions. 

When moving, remember to be smart about your snacks. Instead of ordering fast foods, opt to snack on fruits and vegetables. You can also prepare fresh juices or much on different kinds of nuts. There are several snack options that are cheap and healthy. 

Ask For Help 

Regardless of how easy you think your move will be, expect that you will experience several problems along the day. You might see yourself stuck in a particular task or too tired because you can’t finish a task on time.

For you to avoid burnout and ensure that you can get everything done with efficiency, always ask for help. If you don't have any experience of moving from one location to another, ask help from friends and family who already did the same in the past. Their help will surely go a long way for you to move with ease and avoid any injuries and stress during the process. 

If There’s A Will, There’s A Way

Contrary to popular belief, staying healthy when moving is actually a very easy task. Regardless of your lifestyle and the number of tasks on your to-do list, there are several methods that can help you achieve optimal health when moving. 

For more mindset and movement tips follow me on IG @NadiaMurdock