3 Ways to incorporate self-care

Are you really taking the time to give yourself the self-care you need and deserve? According to the International Self-Care Foundation “Self-Care includes the actions individuals and carers take for themselves, their children, their families, and others to stay fit and maintain good physical and mental health.” 

As the world starts to open up again, remember to slow down and put yourself first should be an everyday thing. Take a moment to ask yourself if you are prioritizing yourself in life?

Here are three tips that can help you focus on what makes you feel good inside and out. 

Protect your mental space. 

It’s easy to get swept up in the chaos of everyday life, because of this you may be allowing certain things to impede on your mental health and take up too much space. Misha Vayner, a Holistic Health & Wellness Coach recommends creating mental and emotional space as paramount for self-care. “Through prioritizing even 15 minutes of alone time, to get quiet, meditate, take a long shower a walk or do something that quiets the mind and allows you to drop into your body and connect with self, you can experience so much inner peace, stress reduction and an enhanced relationship with yourself,” explains Vayner. Other elements that can support this practice are making sure to have a nook or a room that can support a peaceful practice like mediation. Try transforming your family den into a mini relaxation cave or dedicating a corner of your bedroom to be the place you go to reset.

Set intentions

Setting the intention is the first step towards making self-care consistent. Ebony M. Tutora a Holistic Mindset Coach and founder of Queens Recognize Queens®️ says “In short, it comes down to intention. If your intention is more peaceful, then you can implement things like guided meditation, quiet time with yourself, or taking intentional breaks from work. If your intention is self-love, you can focus on things like rubbing your feet with a luxurious lotion, and giving them thanks for carrying you through life.” Tutora emphasizes concentrating on areas of your life that need focus and growth. By simply doing this you will be able to have a clear direction on how you want your self-care plan to look. 

Stay connected

These days we are encouraged to disconnect which is great and often needed but what about reconnecting?  Renewing connections with those you may have lost touch with could be the jolt you need to bring your spirits in good standing.  “Emotional rewards from taking the time to connect are priceless.  It's often the last thing I want to do when I'm feeling down - I just want to curl up in a ball and hide from the world - but I know that pushing through the resistance and placing the call lightens my load. Whether it's laughing or crying or just sharing the latest news about the kids, connecting with a fellow human being takes me out of my negative head-space. It helps 100% of the time.” says Sara Blanchard, a Life Coach and Happiness Consultant at Sara Blanchard.

No self-care plan looks exactly the same, make sure you are indulging in practices that make sense for you and make you feel good.