3 Simple Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Workouts


Spending hours upon hours working out (even if it’s fun) is no way to get the most out of your workouts. The good news there are a few ways that every person can get a little bit more out of their fit routine without being a prisoner to it. 

Diversify Your Workout 

Switching things up is hugely beneficial for the mind and body! Shocking the brain and your muscles with varied workouts are scientifically proven for losing inches and rejuvenating commitment. 

According to certified personal trainer and Results Fitness Director of Training and Large Group Programming Mike Wunsch, incorporating resistance training into a workout routine can result in a well-rounded, fat-busting workout that is all but guaranteed to produce results. Try pairing this with some mindful stretching and/or meditation for a well-rounded workout. 

Give Your Body the Right Fuel to Workout 

To get the most out of your workout, it is important to give your body the tools to succeed. For this reason, pre-workout supplements that offer the body access to essential vitamins, minerals, and energy-rich compounds are a great way to ensure you achieve the best results through your fitness routine.  When choosing a good pre-workout, you want to make certain that you are selecting something that will fuel you appropriately.  If you are looking to workout to feel more energized and lose inches you would be better off choosing a supplement that boosts endurance for longer, more effective workouts. 

Break Your Workout into Intervals 

Working smart is always better than working hard, and this is especially true when it comes to working out. When it comes to exercise, research has shown that short, high-intensity intervals of all-out exercise have greater fat-loss and cardiovascular benefits than prolonged periods of moderate exercise. In fact, a study in the US Journal of Sports Science and Medicine even indicated that people who performed a mix of exercises in 20 minutes lost nearly twice as much weight per minute as people whose exercise consisted of long runs only.  

Other best practices include taking brief breaks during your workout and remembering to take care of your body post-workout. Treat yourself to that much-deserved massage! A post-workout massage is one of the best ways to ensure not only that a person is getting the most from their workout, but also that their recovery period is short and relatively pain-free.