11 Ways To Stay On Top Of Your Fitness Game When You're Traveling


Traveling can make certain people feel apprehensive, rather than excited - mostly, people who don’t want to lose their fitness progress. Whether you’re traveling for a few weeks or a few months, there are techniques you can use to stay on top of your fitness game. Here, we’ll give you 11 ways you can do this. Take a look and see what you can implement into your travel routine:

1. Explore On Foot Whenever You Can

Start by exploring on foot whenever you can. Rather than taking public transport, commit to walking and discovering more of the location you are visiting. You never know what you might find on foot - and you’ll certainly experience more of the destination this way than by taking public transport everywhere. Just make sure you have some comfortable shoes that you can rely on! 

2. Rent A Bike

If you want to explore but aren't keen on doing it on foot (or don’t think this will be possible) there are usually bike tours available. You can book to go on a bike tour, or even just rent out a bike from the city center and go your own way. Biking is just as good as walking, as you’re getting a ton of exercise and able to explore at your own pace but able to get to where you’re going faster. In some places, you may even be able to rent a tandem bike so that you and a friend or partner can ride together. 

3. Learn To Love Bodyweight Exercise

Bodyweight exercise will mean improving your balance and functional fitness. It might not feel great if you’re used to using heavyweights, but it can be a really good way to get back to basics, focus on your form, and get creative with HIIT workouts and circuits. You may not always have access to a gym, but doing a quick bodyweight workout in your hotel room could be just what you need to get the day started. 

4. Stay In Hotels or Accommodation With A Gym

When booking your accommodation, try to look for places with gyms on the premises or nearby. Places like Parc Esta make good places to stay long term and will have gyms and leisure centers nearby for you to get your workout in. Not all hotel gyms will have the best equipment, but if you have a good knowledge of exercises and workouts you should be able to throw something together in no time. Remember, many places even have outdoor gyms that you can use for free. Even the park can be your gym if you get creative with trees, benches, and running tracks. 

5. Learn As Much As You Can About Nutrition

Your nutrition pretty much accounts for 80-90% of your results. You can't out-train a bad diet! This means you need to learn as much as you can about nutrition to ensure that you’re eating in a way that supports your workouts. For example, a high protein diet, with moderate carbs and fats should work for most people. Make sure you’re getting plenty of fruits and vegetables, and be mindful of things like deep-fried foods, sugary foods, and foods cooked in a lot of oil. These foods can be consumed in moderation, but just be aware of them and how much you eat them.

6. Be Mindful Of Liquid Calories

Something most people fall victim to when traveling is liquid calories. If you’re drinking milky coffees, milkshakes, and alcohol all of the time, this is going to add up. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that liquid calories don’t count! They do count, and they will make a difference if you're not mindful of them. Pick your moments and consider making healthy swaps. For example, instead of a milky latte, go for a regular flat white. Instead of a calorific cider or beer, drink a gin and slimline tonic. You can still enjoy yourself without consuming an indulgent amount of calories via liquid. 

7. Stay Active and Have Fun

Don’t think of exercise as a chore while you’re away. Think of it as just staying active and having fun! Go on hikes, go surfing, and go walking along the beach. Do things like rock climbing just to see if you like them. Say yes to active opportunities. You'll easily keep your fitness levels up when you’re having fun. 

8. Make it A Part Of Who You Are

Your daily routine has a lot to do with your success, so make fitness a part of who you are. If you find a way to incorporate this into your regular routine, such as making sure you do it in the morning before you can make excuses not to do it, then you won’t struggle. Keep it up for a few weeks and you will automatically feel able to stick to it. It’s all about those routines and healthy habits! 

9. Know When To Let Loose and When To Reign It In

If something is a once in a blue moon opportunity, such as a Michelin star meal, then take it. If something isn't going to be worth it for you, then avoid it and go for the healthy option. It all comes down to how you’re going to feel afterward: satisfied and glad you enjoyed yourself or annoyed that you didn’t stick to your plan? Finding balance is key! 

10. Get Into Hiking

Local parks and trails are amazing places to hike, walk, and get back to nature. Look for them everywhere you go! 

11. Stay Hydrated 

Staying hydrated is such an important part of your fitness journey - especially if you’re staying somewhere hot. You still need to stay hydrated in cooler locations, but if you’re spending lots of time in the sun then hydration is key. It’ll stop you from retaining too much water and ensure you don’t suffer from dehydration. It can also fill you up enough so that when you feel hungry, you’re certain it’s your natural hunger cues and not just thirst playing tricks on you.