Exertion Migraine Symptoms To Watch Out For

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We all need a release when it comes to de-stressing and feeling relatively normal during a global pandemic. For those of us that can, we like to head to the gym, do a spot of running on the treadmill, a spin class, and some HIIT. For others, we might venture outdoors and partake in a cycle ride, some hiking, or even a dance class in the park. Whatever it is that you do to stay physically fit and active, you need to watch out for the signs of over-exertion. While you might not feel particularly out of breath or your muscles aren’t screaming to rest, your head may be telling you something different.

Exertion migraines can strike at any time and can result in pain, time out from exercise, and worry. The symptoms can be relatively minor or may require a hospital visit if severe. If you’ve never had an exertion migraine, this doesn’t mean that you are immune. They tend to strike when you are in the cool down episode of your exercise regimen after a period of acute exertion. Read on to discover the symptoms and how to alleviate and avoid them in the first place.

Visual Aura

Many migraines don’t even have a headache and instead, visual disturbances can occur. This can be terrifying for an individual who has never experienced them before. Zig zag style kaleidoscope vision can occur as well as blind spots that get larger or limited peripheral vision. These symptoms tend to come on suddenly and may or may not be accompanied by headaches. If you feel this visual disturbance developing, make a note of the time, and work out how long they last. Lie down, take an anti-inflammatory immediately, and try to relax. One theory is that exertion results in the narrowing of the blood vessels at the base of your next leading to a lack of oxygen to your head, resulting in vision issues. Ask a friend to massage your neck to try and relax the blood vessels.

Think about an optometrist near me and visit to check the visual disturbances aren’t anything more sinister. They’ll be able to check your retina for detachments and make sure that your eyes are in good health.


A headache can be severe, but an exertion migraine tends to only last hours rather than days. Low light, hydration, and lying down can really help. If your head pain is accompanied by vomiting, you need to get this checked out as a matter of urgency just to be safe. A throbbing sensation a heavy feeling, or a general fuzzy head can also be accompanied by tingling sensations in the face or weakness in the arms. A dry mouth and excess yawning are not uncommon. While scary, these tend to pass within thirty minutes.

If you feel like you may be suffering from these types of migraines, eat a sugary snack prior to any heavy exertion. Hydrate and rest in between reps or sessions. Watch out for these symptoms and see a doctor if necessary for peace of mind.

Nadia MurdockComment