Yoga Break


Tonight I am testing out a new hot yoga studio (Moksha Yoga NYC) after work.  It is easy to neglect the importance of rewarding your mind and body. Whether it’s a 10-minute back massage at your local nail salon or a half hour drive to clear your head, moments away from the office will all help to make you a better professional.

One treat your body will love you for is a day of Yoga, it has been known for it’s healing properties for years. Yoga decreases stress, detoxifies the body, assists with weight management, and builds strength as well as flexibility. If you don’t have the time to indulge in a Yoga retreat on some remote island you can always visit Yoga spas that might be right in your backyard.  Below are a few suggestions depending on your location.


Yoga Locations

New Jersey
Princeton Yoga

New York
New Age Health Spa
The Garden

Infuse Yoga Spa
Kaya Day Spa

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm