Why There’s No One-Size-Fits-All Approach To Fitness Training


Ever tried to imitate someone else’s successful diet or workout plan and wondered why it’s not working for you? Or perhaps you’ve joined a fitness class only to find that other people are losing weight while you’re not?

The truth is that while one style of exercise or diet may work for one person, it may not work for other people. There are many reasons as to why this is the case, as this post explains...

We all have different body types

Be all burn calories and build muscle at different rates. Most of us have heard of the three body types: endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph. Endomorphs find it hard to lose weight and have to work harder to burn calories. Ectomorphs find it hard to gain weight and have to work harder to build muscle. Mesomorphs generally have it easiest when it comes to losing and gaining weight - but there can still be other issues.

Studies that suggest that factors such as height, bone structure, age, sex and even ethnicity can all play a part in our ability to achieve certain fitness goals. Expecting every body type to work the same way simply isn’t realistic. 

We all have different lifestyles

Lifestyle can greatly impact the type of the training that is needed to reach a certain fitness goal. Some people have more free time, have more active jobs or encounter less stress on a daily basis, which can all impact workout performance. Diet is also incredibly important. Certain habits such as smoking could also have a big impact.

Many modern fitness coaches such as Mitch Vanhille have begun taking lifestyle into account when training clients. Aspects such as diet and available free time can sometimes be sorely overlooked.

We all have different motivations

Some of us will easily give up on a training program or may not push ourselves if we are not motivated. Beyond setting individual goals for ourselves, it’s important to consider what motivates us on a daily basis. Some people are spurred on by having others cheering them on, while others find it easier to get in the zone while alone. Some people are spurred on by routine, while others are spurred on by trying new things (some runners like to run the same route, while others like to constantly explore new routes). 

Such motivations are discussed by trainers such as Lisa Marie Mercer. She suggests that some of us are intrinsically motivated, while others are extrinsically motivated. The latter is often more difficult to accommodate to. 

Finding your personal approach

All in all, if you’re truly serious about working on your fitness, it’s best to find a personalized approach rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. A good personal trainer will usually be able to help you create a personalized plan. Alternatively, you could try doing your own thorough research into workout styles based on your body type, lifestyle and motivations - from here you can try to find a middle ground between these workout styles.