What is Mom Guilt and how it can be harmful


If you are a mama you might be well aware of Mom Guilt, which is something you might be experiencing daily several times during the day.

If you are unfamiliar with it, it’s a horrible feeling of guilt that you aren’t doing enough as a parent. It also includes not doing things correctly, making the right decisions, or damaging your kids in the long run. In short, it’s not a good feeling.

In some ways, Mom Guilt has crept into my brain.

  • Not being present enough

  • Working too much

  • Not being there for bedtime

  • Slacking on time outside

  • Too much screen time

  • Not enough physical activity

  • Not enough playdates

  • Special occasions are not exciting enough

  • and the list goes on…..

How do you know if your mom guilt is becoming harmful? If it starts to make you second guess all your decision making it can be extremely harmful to you and your family.

When you spend too much time focusing on the small stuff and lose sight of the bigger picture like having a healthy child and being present in the moment. it Eventually if not addressed it can lead to a dangerous path of unhealthy behaviors like depression.

This is why I teach entrepreneurial moms how to prioritize themselves through fitness and mindset without guilt. It’s something that I really struggled with after having my first son and have been learning to cope with tackle again with the birth of my second son.

After connecting with so many mamas I realized I am not alone wanted to share the tips and tools I have developed for entrepreneurial l moms like myself. This is why I created The CORE Program that provides, community, support, and education guilt-free (or at least less guilt).

Here are the details!

The CORE Program: Build a strong mental and physical core with movement and meditation. 

Live Classes: 2 times a week

Days and Times: Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9 am EST 

What do you get?:

  • 2 live classes (30 mins each)

  • On-demand videos are updated regularly

  • Pre-recorded audio meditations updated regularly

  • PDF Download on Mastering Mindset 

  • PDF Ditch the Guilt: Manifestation Journal 

  • Access for support and accountability via the CORE Slack group. 

  • Fireside Chat once a month with a special guest and Q & A. 

Sounds like something you would love to be a part of? Join me on October 4th for the launch of my program, can’t wait to see you there!

To stay in the loop with all the updates and events that can support you follow me on Instagram @NadiaMurdock

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