What Happens When You Lose Yourself?

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The phrase “losing yourself” might sound like a crazy concept, but there are countless people in the world that experienced depressive episodes that can only be described as losing yourself. Perhaps you’ll wake up one day and forget what motivated you the previous day, or maybe you’ll start growing distant to your friends and family members because you’ve totally forgotten why you even bothered talking to them in the first place.


When you lose yourself, you start to lose everything about yourself that defined you. You lose your relationship, hobbies, interests, and even your own moral compass. This often happens when there are incredibly stressful periods in your life, but can even come and go depending on your mood or circumstances.

So to help you out, we’re going to talk more about what happens when you lose yourself so that you can seek assistance from your physician before it gets worse.

Listening to a negative inner dialogue

We’ve probably all experienced some kind of negative inner dialogue before; that voice in your head that puts you down and prevents you from doing anything productive or positive because it’s simply “not worth it”. These types of inner voices are common, especially among those who have experienced depressive episodes in the past. They can be incredibly frustrating to listen to and take a lot of willpower to stop and ignore, but your physician can help you tune out that dialogue and potentially make it disappear.

Failing to care about important relationships

Whether it’s ignoring calls from your partner or getting into heated arguments with your colleagues, it’s actually incredibly common to stop caring about those relationships once you start losing yourself. You might even forget what you were friends in the first place, and you might start to see everyone as an enemy. Paranoia like this can be incredibly damaging to one’s psyche, hence why it’s vital for the affected person to seek help immediately.

Relying on drugs, alcohol and other substances

When you’ve lost yourself, it’s very common to start relying on substances to give you happiness, joy and other positive emotions. In a situation like this, you may want professional such as from an opioid addiction treatment center to help you diagnose the issue and prevent it from progressing and getting worse. When it comes to these types of addictions, it’s vital that you seek help immediately in order to fight back and prevent yourself from plunging further into a negative and depressive state.

Finding yourself again

If you can lose yourself, then it’s perfectly doable to find yourself again. This may involve a bit of soul searching, it may include hanging around positive people such as friends and family members, and it might even include ignoring anything negative in your life that has proven to be problematic in the past. Losing yourself is a scary thought, but there are ways to protect yourself from the possibility. It’s all about focusing on lowering your stress and striving to find a purpose in life.

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