Want to Master a Raw Food Diet? Deckopedia Can Help!
You can carry the cards from your deck anywhere!
When I was first introduced to The Raw Food Beginner's Deck, I thought I wouldn't be interested in most of the recipes, I couldn't be more wrong! Incorporating a raw food diet doesn't mean it's all or nothing. You can simply add a few lifestyle changes to help revamp your diet and build a healthier way of being.
The deck includes a grocery shopping list for each recipe, prep time and much more. Creator Emilie McBride (Chef and health coach) wanted to create something easy and informative at the same time. She pulled from her experiences while training in Bali and hosting raw food retreats and workshops across the world!
Visual healthy reminders can help you stay on track!
The deck launches today and is apart of Deckopedia's deck sets that include: 50 Ways to Go Green, 50 Must-See Destinations and 50 Road Trip Games.
For more information visit: www.deckopedia.com
Follow Deckopedia on Twitter: @deckopedia
Training minds, changing bodies!
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