Finding your purpose through Breast Cancer: tooktake Founder shares her story.

Sometimes our hardships in life can lead us to our purpose. Leeanna is a breast cancer survivor and the inventor of tooktake dosage reminder labels.

During her treatment she noticed that there was nothing to track all forms of medications and vitamins on different schedules, a very common problem. Tooktake helps people of all ages know at a glance if they took or still need to take their supplements and medications and, it works on liquids, lotions, drops, ointments & pills allowing everything to stay in the child safe packaging.

Leeanna hopes that her story will inspire others, and help millions of people get healthy & stay healthy. One dose at a time. Continue reading my interview with her to learn more about her story and mindset!

NMFit: What is the number one thing you do to maintain your health? Mentally and physically.

tooktake: For my physical health I try to do all the obvious things, like eat healthy and try to move around a bit everyday. Since I had breast cancer I have also started to limit drinking any alcohol and I can’t eat meat, (it’s a super weird side effect, that's a story for another day).

I am still working on getting more consistent with an exercise plan. Starting a new business has made my schedule a bit unpredictable, something that you can probably relate to! But I am working on finding a system that works well for me that I can also stick with. I find that I do feel a lot better mentally and physically when I can be consistent with exercise of any kind.

NMFit: As a breast cancer survivor what do you hope to teach and/or encourage women to do when it comes to their health?

tooktake: When people ask me what I think caused my breast cancer, I am honest, I don’t know. The doctors don’t know. Scientists don’t know. I do know that it wasn’t one thing that I did or didn’t do or something that I ate or drank, so if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, don’t let people convince you that it was because you ate sugar or some other things that’s trending online.

I feel like I was pretty healthy when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 47. But looking back I think that the main thing that I would suggest to people is to make sure that you do some sort of physical activity as often as you can. Not that I think it would have prevented my cancer, but it is a big factor in preventing a recurrence. Since I never really had a routine or incorporated it frequently in my day, I still struggle to make it part of my life. But I am getting better about it!

NMFit: How has your mindset shifted since your diagnosis?

tooktake: I think the biggest shift for me has been to look after my mental health. I’ve learned that the thing that makes me the most happy is time with friends and family. Whether it’s on the phone, a quick text message or in person, it is always guaranteed to put a smile on my face.

So I really make an effort to make that happen as often as I can. I used to make getting together with friends or family super stressful for myself and everything had to be just right for me to make a plan. Now I don't care if things aren’t perfect and we just order a pizza or sit in our PJ’s chatting on FaceTime, it’s about connecting with the people I love.

NMFit: Life is not linear neither is our purpose. What would you say is your purpose now?

tooktake: Hummm - I feel like my purpose is always changing, but right now I think it is to get my product, tooktake labels, to as many people as I can to help them. I invented it during my breast cancer treatment and now I want to help other people have a simple way to get and stay well. I know everyone’s wellness routine is personal and different, but I feel like I can do my own little part to cheer them on and encourage them to stick with whatever they are doing with tooktake.

But even more than that, I just want to do all that I can each day to be a good human. There’s so much going on in the world every day, I feel like it’s really easy to let it get you down. It takes effort to keep a positive attitude but i do my best to be aware of what’s happening in the world and educate myself on what I can do to help but really try not to let it bring me down.

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