Things That Will Help You Stay on the Fitness Track

Staying committed to your fitness regime is hard work. There is nothing you can do to change that, but it isn’t just physical courage that you need to think about. If you want to stick to your exercise schedule, you need to come up with an exercise regime that really works for you and you need to ensure that your head is in the game too. 

With that in mind, I’ve put together a list of things that will help you to stay motivated, stay on track, and not only meet but surpass your fitness goals now and in the future...

Keep an exercise journal

One of the best ways to stay on track with any goal is to keep a journal of your efforts, and this is as true of your fitness goals as anything else. Journalling will not only enable you to keep track of the physical exercises you have been doing, but it will also help you to track your gains, which, in turn, will help to keep you motivated. 

In order for this to be successful, you should start by tracking the things that are most important to you, whether that’s running a longer distance, losing weight or improving your mental health via movement. You should also take the time to write about how exercise makes you feel both physically and mentally. This will help to keep you on track.

Variety is the spice of life

A lot of people fail to stick to their exercise regimens quite simply because they get bored with them. If you want to avoid this happening to you, don’t be afraid to switch things up a bit by trying lots of different workouts. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with running one day, doing yoga the next and lifting weights the day after that. Try lots of things, see what works for you, and when you feel yourself getting bored or demotivated, change things up again. 


If you struggle to stay on the fitness track because of how you feel mentally, one thing that could really help you is getting a set of mandala beads, a meditation cushion and an app like Headspace or Calm, and learning how to meditate. When you meditate, you learn how to live in the moment and how to ignore the negative voice in your head. So, when you’re telling yourself that you’re too tired to exercise or you’ll never be as fit as you want so why bother, you can get your head back int he game and keep on keeping on.

Bring a friend

Exercising with friends, family members or even a personal trainer is a great way to keep you honest and keep you motivated. When you know that someone else will not only be expecting you to show up at the gym but there to cheer you on when you do turn up, you’re far more likely to get stuck in and stick to your regime for longer. It’s a lot more fun too.

You can do it!

For more wellness tips follow me on IG @NadiaMurdock