The Sports That Are Friendly To All Skill Levels

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Sport is key to living a happy and healthy life; it gets your heart pumping, helps you to lose weight if need be, and you might just have your time out there on the basketball court. But it can seem like sport, and subsequently, exercise isn’t for everyone. 

Getting out to the gym at least three times a week can be pretty hard for some people, and being able to lift weights and run a quick 10k every morning might just be impossible for 90% of the population. This is why we need to know a little more about sports that are friendly to any and all skill levels. So, we’ve compiled a quick list of some below for your perusal.


Learning to ride a bicycle is a one-time event; you never forget how to get on and balance yourself along the road, and because of that, it’s a sport that’s friendly to any and all skill levels. Cycling helps our hearts and other muscles to stay healthy - you’re pushing them a little, while keeping your body weight off of them, meaning more streamlined results that don’t hurt half as much as trying to go for a run! 

If you don’t have a bike, why not invest in one right now? It’s a good way to get out and about safely and quickly, and you can even just take it down a couple of local roads and still get a whole heap of health benefits. 


Tennis is something that might seem extremely skilled on the surface (and it can be when competing at championship level!), but it’s also a sport that’s easy to pick up and get on with. After all, all you need is a net and racket, and of course, a ball to shoot back and forth. Once you’ve picked these up, you’ve got yourself a tennis court to make use of for as long as you like! 

If you get serious about this sport, it’s time to invest in the right outfit for it. No matter your age or skill level, you can find the right bits of supportive kit to keep you running for longer and always sweating lightly. You can even invest in some velcro tennis shoes for the elderly, if you and your Gran want to have a go on the court together! 


And finally, swimming. It’s a type of sport that most people enjoy, seeing as water is fun to get into and play in, and there’s plenty of family-friendly swimming pools around. You get twice the results you would on land, as water provides a lot of resistance, even when you’re just floating around. And if you don’t know how to swim, don’t worry, it’s not hard to learn, and it’s an essential life skill that would be great to get under your belt! 

Sports that work, no matter your skill level, are more worth your time than any gym membership you could buy!

For more fit tips follow me on IG @NadiaMurdock